Settlements and Towns

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Pom society is structured around cities and towns that are built around natural features like rivers, forests, and mountains. Most Poms live in houses made of Pomsulin, a porcelain-like material made by mixing Pomula with natural fibers like wood and grass. Pomsulin is known for its strength and durability, and is used exclusively for construction of homes and statues.

Poms are known to live in hidden settlements across the world, often in remote and isolated locations. These settlements are typically built into natural features of the landscape, such as caves or crevices, and are often difficult to find for outsiders.

One such settlement is known as Frosty Hollow, located deep in the Canadian wilderness. This settlement is built into a network of ice caves and is only accessible by a treacherous climb up a steep, icy slope. The Poms here have adapted to the cold climate and have even developed a unique form of ice sculpting as a means of artistic expression.

Another Pom settlement is known as Sunflower Valley, nestled deep in the heart of a dense, tropical rainforest in South America. This community is known for their expertise in cultivating exotic plants and fruits, and their homes are built into towering trees using a combination of wood and natural materials.

In the deserts of North Africa, there is a Pom settlement known as Pomstone Village, where the Poms have adapted to the harsh environment and built their homes into towering rock formations. The Poms here have also become skilled in the art of sand sculpting, using the fine desert sands to create intricate designs and patterns.

One of the oldest known Pom settlements is located in the English countryside, nestled among the rolling hills and meadows. This settlement is called Pomerston and is believed to have been established over 1,000 years ago. It is said that the Poms who settled in Pomerston were drawn to the area for its peaceful and tranquil surroundings.

In France, there is a Pom settlement called Cremia, which is located in the heart of the Loire Valley. This settlement is known for its beautiful gardens and intricate fountains, which are said to have been inspired by the famous gardens of Versailles.

In Japan, there is a Pom settlement called Blossom Pond, which is located in the mountains of Hokkaido. This settlement is known for its traditional Japanese architecture, hot springs, and cherry blossom trees.

In the United States, there is a Pom settlement called Starwell, which is located in the Pacific Northwest. This settlement is known for its towering trees, pristine lakes, and stunning views of the Cascade Mountains.

Interestingly, some ancient paintings and artifacts suggest that Poms may have originated from another planet entirely. Some Poms believe that there may be other Pom settlements located on this planet, while others believe that they may have left Earth long ago to settle on a distant world. However, there is no concrete evidence to support these theories, and they remain a subject of debate and speculation among the Pom community.

Government and Leadership:

The Pom government is a hierarchical system where each city/town is governed by an Elder Pom. The Elder Pom is elected by the citizens of the town and serves as the leader of the community. They are responsible for maintaining order and ensuring the safety of their citizens.

In terms of crime, Poms have a strong sense of community and take a proactive approach to preventing crime. They have a neighborhood watch system in place where Poms keep an eye out for suspicious activity and report it to the authorities.

For more serious crimes, such as theft or assault, there is a judicial system in place. Trials are held in a public forum where both the accused and the accuser have the opportunity to present their case. Punishments range from fines to imprisonment, depending on the severity of the crime.

As for the trouble-making Liegors, they are seen as a nuisance and a danger to the community. The Poms have tried to establish treaties with them in the past, but with little success. Liegor crimes are handled similarly to Pom crimes, with trials and punishment for those caught breaking the law. However, the Liegors are notoriously difficult to catch and often evade punishment. This has led to tension between the two species, with many Poms viewing the Liegors as a perpetual threat.

PomPolice, also known as PomGuards, are responsible for maintaining law and order in Pom society. They are highly trained and skilled in various forms of combat and specialize in using electrified weapons that harness the power of Pomula.

PomGuards wear distinctive blue and gold uniforms, consisting of a jacket, pants, and a hat. The jacket is emblazoned with the PomPolice emblem, while the pants are reinforced with special padding to protect against physical attacks.

PomGuards operate in teams and are strategically stationed throughout the cities and towns. They use a variety of tactics, including foot patrols, mounted patrols, and mobile units. In addition to preventing crime, they are also responsible for responding to emergencies and assisting with natural disasters.

When a PomGuard apprehends a criminal, they use a special Pomula-based handcuff that temporarily immobilizes the suspect. The suspect is then brought to trial, where they are judged by a panel of elders and punished accordingly. In cases involving Liegors, the PomPolice are known to use specially designed traps and weapons to capture them.

Overall, the PomGuards are a highly respected and integral part of Pom society, and their efforts have contributed to making Pom communities some of the safest and most peaceful places to live.

PomPolice/guards are famosuly known for making the "Wiyoo! Wiyoo!" sounds with their mouths when in pursuit of a criminal. This is an instinctual thing for Poms, and they use this sound to communicate with each other in a variety of situations. While they do have sirens for emergency situations, the "Wiyoo! Wiyoo!" sound is a distinctive and recognizable noise that helps to alert the public to the presence of the PomPolice/guards.

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