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What is Pomula?

Pomula is a unique liquid substance that is produced and secreted by the Pom. It has electrical properties and is used in a variety of ways by the Pom community.


-One of the most common uses of Pomula is as a defense mechanism. When threatened, Poms can release a powerful blast of electrified Pomula from their mouths, which can stun or incapacitate their attacker. The Pomula can be adjusted in terms of speed and pressure, allowing for a range of defense strategies.

-Pomula is also used in the creation of various items and substances within Pom culture. For example, it is an essential component in the creation of Pomsulin, a unique material that is used to construct Pom homes. Pomsulin is known for its durability and insulating properties, and its creation involves a process of mixing Pomula with other natural materials such as grasses and leaves.

-In addition to constructing homes and buildings, Poms also make use of Pomula in a variety of ways. Pomyester is a popular clothing material made by mixing Pomula with wool, cotton, and other fibers. The resulting fabric is durable, breathable, and can be easily dyed with natural pigments.

Pomula Production:

The process of creating Pomula is a complex one, involving a unique combination of biological and chemical processes. The Pom's salivary glands contain specialized cells that produce a protein-rich substance. This substance is then modified by enzymes in the Pom's digestive system, creating a liquid with electrical properties.

Pomula is stored within the Pom's thighs and rear, with females having a larger surplus of it than males. However, male Poms have stronger and faster bodies to compensate for the lower amount of Pomula. The production of Pomula is a complex process involving the Pom's unique physiology and metabolism. It is generated in specialized organs called Pomulon glands, which are located in the Pom's digestive system. These glands extract specific elements from the Pom's food, such as iron, copper, and other trace minerals, and then convert them into Pomula. The Pomula is then circulated throughout the body via the bloodstream and used for various functions, including the creation of the powerful electrified Pomula liquid cannon.

The exact mechanism by which Pomula produces its electrical charge is still not fully understood, but it is believed to involve the interaction of charged ions within the liquid. Poms have evolved to produce and control this unique substance as a means of defending themselves and sustaining their way of life.

Pom Milk, Pom Blood, Pom Urine, Pom Feces:

Pomula is not only found in the Pom's saliva but also in their blood, milk, and other bodily fluids. Each fluid contains different types of Pomula, offering different properties.

Pom saliva is a viscous, transparent fluid secreted by the salivary glands of Poms. It is a vital component in their ability to produce Pomula and is also used as a defense mechanism. The saliva has a sweet taste and a thick consistency, making it easy for Poms to hold a lot in their mouths. When threatened or feeling aggressive, Poms can use their saliva to shoot a powerful electrified Pomula liquid cannon from their mouths.

Aside from these functions, Pom saliva is also used in the creation of Pomula-based potions and elixirs. It contains unique enzymes and proteins that give it medicinal properties, such as anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. It is said that drinking Pom saliva can help soothe sore throats, ease indigestion, and even cure some illnesses. However, due to its potent nature, it is typically used in small amounts and diluted with other liquids.

-Pom milk, which contains a high concentration of Pomula, is a potent healing liquid that can be used to treat a wide range of injuries and illnesses. When consumed, it can boost the immune system, promote tissue regeneration, and even accelerate the healing of broken bones.

-Pom blood, which also contains Pomula, can be dangerous if ingested or injected into non-Pom creatures. The Pomula in Pom blood is much more concentrated and potent than in saliva or milk, and can cause adverse effects on non-Pom creatures, such as fever, hallucinations, and seizures. However, in small doses and when properly prepared, Pom blood can be used in Pomula-based medicines and potions for Pom themselves, as it contains the highest concentration of Pomula in their bodies.

Pom urine has been found to contain trace amounts of Pomula, though not in significant enough quantities to be used in potions or elixirs. However, it has been suggested that it could potentially be used as a fertilizer for Pom gardens.

Pom feces, on the other hand, is not considered to have any practical uses. However, some Liegors have been known to steal it, using the material to create structures or paintings. This is a somewhat controversial practice within Pom culture, as some Poms find it distasteful or offensive.

In Pom culture, urine and feces are considered waste materials and are not typically used for any purposes other than to be disposed of. However, some adventurous Pom scientists have explored the potential uses of these materials.

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