Diet and Agriculture

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Poms have a varied diet that includes both plant-based and animal-based foods. They are known to consume a wide range of fruits and vegetables, including berries, nuts, roots, and leafy greens. They also enjoy grains, such as rice and quinoa, as well as legumes, like beans and lentils.

In addition to plant-based foods,  Poms also consume insects and small animals, such as snails and slugs. They are skilled hunters and gatherers, and will often use their natural agility and speed to catch their prey. However, they are also known to use traps and other tools to aid in their hunting.

Despite their ability to hunt and gather their own food, Poms also have a strong culture of community and sharing. It is common for them to gather together for meals, often featuring dishes that are shared among the group. Poms are also skilled at preserving food, using techniques such as drying and smoking to store food for later consumption.

In addition,  Poms have a diverse range of agricultural practices, including growing crops, raising animals, and producing a variety of drinks. They have developed unique farming methods that are tailored to their environment and their needs.

Poms raise a variety of animals, including the Woolly Puffal, a fluffy, sheep-like creature that provides both wool and milk. They also raise the spinybacked Vurn, a small, snuffling creature that produces a nutritious and flavorful meat. In addition, they have a special relationship with the winged Wobbol, a bird-like creature that provides eggs and feathers, and helps pollinate their crops.

Poms are also skilled farmers, growing a variety of crops such as sweet root, sun fruit, and moon corn. They have developed special techniques to cultivate these crops in their unique environment, using their knowledge of the soil and the climate to produce bountiful harvests.

In addition to their crops and animals, Poms also produce a variety of drinks, including the famous Pom juice, which is made from a blend of local fruits and berries. They also produce a variety of teas, made from herbs and plants grown in their gardens.

Overall, Poms take great pride in their agricultural practices, which are a reflection of their ingenuity, creativity, and deep connection to the natural world.

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