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"Y/N! Wake up, it's time for school!" my annoying little brother Timothy screamed with his high pitched voice.

"Grrr.. get out of my room or I'll activate my secret werewolf powers!" *barks dangerously*

"I know werewolves don't exist, you can't fool me Y/N. But seriously, just get up already!! Today's my first day in middle school and I don't want to miss it because of you!"

"Good god, give me five more minutes."

After exactly five minutes, I decided to get up and get dressed. When looking at myself in the mirror I sighed. The popular girls at my school bully me because I'm pretty and emo. I'm a loner and only have like 2 friends because noone likes me. If just somebody was there to save me.

Anyway, I dropped my little brother off at middle school and then drove to high school in my black audi (it's black because I'm emo). At the entrance four eyes met mine. Shit.

"Hey major loser!" Tess Tyler from Camp Rock shouted. "I was kinda hoping you would show up so I could demolish your perfect face!"

"Is that a love confession?" I shot back.

That made her furious, "You little emo bitch, I'm gonna fuck you up bad!" but her bully friend, Mrs Puff from Bikini Bottom held her back.

"Don't let that bitch get to you. We're gonna beat her 'til her emo ass blends in with the trash on this 'murican parking lot. AMERICA RAAHHH🔥🔥🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲"

to be continued..

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