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Third lesson. Ugh I hated Math class. I watched the clock in hopes time would pass faster as Mr Styles, our teacher gave a speech about Algebra. BOOORING! If I had invented Mathematics, I would have made this shit ten times easier and twenty times more interesting.

"Psst. Y/N! Y/N!"

I turned around to see it was the Ben and Robbie, the Shapiro twins. Robbie then asked "Hey, do you want to hang out with us after school?"

"Yeah, you know, recording our alt right podcast? Reacting to hot femboys on Tiktok and acting disgusted?"

"No thanks, I only find emo femboys attractive." I turned back around and started daydreaming about Shrek.

The bell finally rang and I quickly made my way to my next lesson: History with Mr Binks. At least this one should be fun. To my luck, I ended up being the last one to enter the classroom and all the good seats had already been taken.

There was only one seat left anyway, and it was next to a girl I had never seen before. She was blonde, wore baggy pants, glasses and a red beanie. Before I could even sit down, she started to introduce herself.

"Hi! I'm Tricky Subway-Surfin'.
You're Y/N, right? I've heard the girls in the bathroom talk about a pretty goth chick named Y/N and assumed that had to be you! Tell me about yourself!"

I sat down a bit confused, "Uhhh.. I'm 16, I like MCR and Hot Topic I guess.."

"Thats sounds so cool!! I'm 17, like spray art and running away from cops while avoiding moving trains!"

"That sounds dangerous."

"I know, but you get cool collectibles. Let me tell you an even more dangerous secret.. I'm a werewolf."

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