First day pt. 1

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Grian POV
"Hey, uh Grian.. who's that?" Mumbo asks me. "Oh him? No one knows his name, but he was in my homeroom last year. He's like a stereotypical quiet kid, no one really cares." Mumbo hums in response.

New year, new class. It's crazy, I'm only a sophomore and I'm ready to get the hell out of this dump.

"Alright class, everyone is here now so I'm going to have all of you sit in assigned seats this year" the teacher says.

"Oh come on, you really hate us that much? Why can't you let us pick our seats" I say, spreading my wings in an attempt to assert dominance. I've always been known as the 'class clown' and I'm not planning on quitting.

My eyes unconsciously drift towards the quiet kid and I find myself thinking "I hope he found that funny"

I don't know why I thought that. I couldn't care less. Besides, the rest of the class is laughing and the teacher's frustrated so that's good enough.

Eventually she stops sputtering and gives up on quieting us down. "Alright, Ren Dog? You sit here" she points to a seat near the front, "Pearlescent Moon, you sit here" she points to another seat, and Pearl says "you can just call me Pearl"

Me and Pearl have been friends since elementary school, she was the first person to know I was gay, and I was the first person she told about being a lesbian. No one else in school knows about it, except Mumbo.

I drowned the teacher's voice out by accident until I heard my name.
"Grian Xelqua, you sit here" she points to a seat near the middle of the classroom and.. oh void no, not him. Why couldn't I sit next to Mumbo or Pearl? I have to sit next to the quiet kid!?
Worst first day ever.

The last kid is called and the teacher starts class. I'm so mad I have math first thing in the morning, it's so stupid.

Next is English, English isn't that bad. It's a generally easy class as long as you pay attention. The quiet kid isn't in this class, but Xisuma is. He's a nerd, no one likes him.

Then after English is science. None of my friends are in science, and we were supposed to be able to choose our seats but I was late because the English teacher wanted to talk to me about "behavior" and there was one seat left.

Guess who that seat was next to? You guessed it! The quiet kid.

Damn it.

I thought I'd might aswell talk to him if I'm going to sit next to him in almost every class we share, right?
"Hey, I'm Grian" I say.
"I know." He replies. His voice is slightly raspy, and sounds weirdly fake, but its still smooth. 

He has bright green eyes and a scar that runs all the way down his face, from above his left eyebrow down to the right side of his neck. "You're popular" he continues.
"I suppose so," I teased. His face turns slightly pink at that.

We talk for a little longer, albeit I did most of the talking. He's actually a pretty good listener.

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