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Mumbo POV
I sit down in the middle seat of the table, mostly so that the teacher can't see my computer as she paces around the side of the classroom. Too bad for whoever sits on the two sides.

Spoke too soon, Grian sits on one of those sides. Hopefully he's not mad.

Luckily for me, he's a bit too caught up in his thoughts and whoever is standing behind him to realize I got the good seat before him.

Oh? The person standing behind him is Scar. He seems to be apologizing for something and Grian doesn't seem to care. I love Grian, but he can be a bit of a bitch sometimes.

He checks the seating chart on the board and comes to sit next to me, finally realizing the set up. "Oh come on, you couldn't even let me have the middle seat for one day?" He whines. "Absolutely not!" I joke.

Scar sits on the other side of me, and immediately puts his head is down and his leg starts shaking. He seems really anxious, and I think about it for a second before actually talking to him.

"Hey, you're Scar right?" I ask. Yes, Mumbo great conversation starter, Jesus.

He sits up straight faster than I can blink, "Yes, thats me" he says.

"I don't think we've properly met. I'm Mumbo, Grian's best friend" I see Grian roll his eyes in my peripheral vision. Scar's face holds an expression I can't quite place, and class starts before any of us can get another word in.

The teacher begins to review quadratics, which I personally already know pretty well if I do say so myself.  But as soon as she moved on from the review and went into polynomials I was immediately lost. Scar, however, seemed to be taking detailed notes. This kid must have good grades. Compared to Grian who is practically asleep in the chair next to me.

A few more minutes pass and eventually the teacher notices Grian is asleep and looks at me. "Mumbo, please wake Grian up." Without missing a beat, Scar says "You put him to sleep, you wake him up yourself."

When I tell you my jaw dropped. I did not know Scar could talk any louder than a whisper, let alone talk back to a teacher. I turned to Grian to see him sitting up now, facing Scar. The look on his face is a look I've recognized since the day we became friends.

Grian had found a new ally. Maybe even a friend... maybe I'm pushing it.

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