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3rd POV
"Y'know, some people ask out their crushes, not become super close with someone they don't even know in order to make them jealous" Grian remarked.
"Hey! I'm not trying to make Scott jealous! I genuinely care about Tango too.." Jimmy tries to defend himself.

"Tim, don't think I don't know what you're doing. Wil's doin' the same thing"
"Who cares!? I'm in the seventh grade! I'll do what I want and if I get to date Scott, that's just a bonus!"
"Sure, yeah, bonus" Grian teases. Jimmy just scoffs and rolls his eyes.

They get on the bus when it stops in front of their house, Jimmy sitting in the front with his friend group, immediately taking the time to catch up about what happened over summer, and Grian going all the way to the back to wait for Mumbo, who would be getting on at the next stop.

When Scar got on the bus he immediately went to sit where he always sits, the fourth row from the back, in the window seat. This seat was— by Scar's standards— the best seat on the bus. 

First of all, it's too far back for any of the people that sit near the front to want to come over to him or even sit near him. This is because most of those people are the more popular girls, the middle schoolers who are scared of the high schoolers, and the people who can't sit in the back because of motion sickness. 

Second of all, it's too far from the back for all the jocks to care who's  sitting in this row. Hence, they never speak to him. Third of all, it's a very awkward spot to sit, because the emergency exit is directly above him, so no one will try to sit next to him.

He watches at every stop. He knows more about the people around him than he should.

He gets on at the same stop Mumbo gets on. Mumbo's best friends are Grian and Iskall. Iskall and Joel get on on the stop after Mumbo and Scar, Iskall always joins Mumbo in the back with Grian, but Joel always goes and hangs out with the Year 7's, especially Jimmy— Grian's brother,— Scott, and Oli.

Two stops later, Joel's girlfriend Lizzie gets on, then the stop after that, Tango and Impulse get on the bus. In the stops in between, George, Quackity, Karl and Kris usually get on unless Sapnap offers to drive them, which is usually only on Wednesdays and Fridays. The last stop the bus makes usually no one gets on because it is very close to school, so the rest of the people walk. Except once in a while, a couple kids that woke up too late and don't want to walk because they're still pretty tired.

The rest of his classmates get driven by their parents or just walk, except for Etho. He usually rides his bike to school. The middle school is closer than the high school, so everyone in Jimmy's grade gets off the bus, while Joel comes to the back to sit with Grian and his friends the rest of the ride there. When they get to school, Scar always lets everyone else get off first, then he gets off behind them. He says it's to be polite, but it's really because he likes to observe. Sometimes people drop items or their pins and keychains fall off their bags. 

He gets to his locker and puts away his science text book. He had science homework last night but won't need the book again until 2:30 p.m. so he doesn't want to carry it around all day. He grabs his literature and Social Studies textbooks, as well as his sketch pad and special markers and he gets ready for homeroom. 

He sits down in his normal desk and pulls out his sketch pad and a granola bar and starts to sketch. He doesn't pay attention much, just absentmindedly lets his hand flow across the page, Knowing that once he's done this sketch will look no different than the others. It'll be someone from school, or even his family, drawn vaguely in his messy art style, which he'll stare at for longer than ten minutes, just contemplating whether or not he likes it. 

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