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POV: Grian

Funny thing happened today. I actually contemplated talking to Scar on the bus today. I didn't of course, but I thought about it. Maybe I will at some point, but I didn't have the courage to today. Something about keeping my reputation with the guys. I didn't want them to see me talking to him. I didn't want them to think I liked him, because even though we're allies, I still hate him.

When I got to school, I immediately went to the gender neutral bathroom in the back of the cafeteria. I go to that bathroom because no one else does, so I can use my phone without getting it confiscated.

After a few minutes I got bored and decided to go to homeroom. I don't want to be marked late, after all. I get there and meet Iskall at the door, and we go to the back of the classroom to talk and hang out before the bell rings. Mumbo joins us seconds later.

I know im acting odd. I'm usually the talkative one, but I'm not exactly focused today. Scar is sitting behind where Mumbo is standing. I swear, it's not because of anything else but the fact that he's sketching in a notebook. He's an artist. I'm an artist too, but in a different way. I paint, he draws. We are not the same.

I watch him as he sketches, curious as to what he could be drawing on that small page. It looks like a person, almost like a friend of mine. The mask, scar, and headband are unmistakably Etho.
"Grian?" Mumbo's voice snapped me back into reality. "Hm? Yeah?"

"Did you hear the question I asked you?"

"Uh. No.. What was it?"

"Are you going to the school soccer game on Saturday? Me and Iskall are going to be there."

"I don't know. Maybe"

It was at that moment that the teacher told everyone to sit down in a seat and started his countdown, 


"Shit!" Mumbo exclaims.


I sat down in the first chair I can reach, and Mumbo does the same. However, Iskall and Pearl went to the front of the classroom.


Iskall sits down in the middle row, while Pearl keeps going to get to the seat she usually sits in. 


Pearl you are an idiot. 


She actually made it. Pearlescent Moon got to her seat in four seconds. 

I didn't think she could run that fast.

Let alone run. 

The teacher makes his announcements, and explains that there is free time for the next 20 minutes as he grades, which is the normal daily routine. I turn to talk to Mumbo, and we converse about random things. Guess what! He went to dinner the night before with his girlfriend, and the waitress tried to hit on her! 

I pulled out my phone, made sure the teacher wasn't looking, and showed Mumbo a picture of my cats from last night. "Awwww, they're so cute" He cooed. "Soooo, you like cats?" I teased. "Nope, still a dog person." He laughed in response. 

"Mr. Xelqua." The teacher says, fear fills my veins. "Yes, sir?" I choke. 

"I thought I asked you to stay quiet. And are you on your phone?"

I didn't answer.

"That's another detention for you, Grian."

The class gasps in unison. "Whatever" I mumble. 

"Sorry, man" Mumbo says. "It's fine" I whisper in response. 

I turn back to sit in my chair normally and glance in the other direction. Then, I do a double take. Then I look again one last time just to make sure. 

Why did I sit next to Scar?... Just the fact that I was being timed, that's all. 

He's still sketching. How can he just draw nonstop for that long and not get bored? When I paint, I take breaks for a snack or to get a new color out every five minutes! I could never. 

He's on a different page than before. Now he's drawing someone with wings, and the page next to it has a bunch of sketches of different types of wings, and even a few hands. He must practice anatomy a lot. 

Homeroom ends and Mumbo and I go out to the hallway to talk. "Guess I'm not going to the game after all" I say. I try to sound disappointed but I didn't really want to go anyways. However, detention doesn't sound like much more fun. 

"It's cool, G. We'll tell ya who wins" Mumbo says. The bell rings as he finishes his sentence. "Well, See ya at math!"

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