First day pt. 2

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Scar POV

I sit down in the first seat I see available, the one in the very back corner. Since eighth grade I had lost my extroverted-ness and ended up sorta burnt out. I hate it, but now I'm known as the school quiet kid. Although, if I'm being honest, it's kind of nice just observing what's going on around me. A lot of people don't even know my name, and I find an odd comfort in that.

It is a bit unnerving knowing I could go missing and no one would notice, however. Well, maybe my teachers would notice.

Some kids walk into the room, some stay standing and a select few sit down, and that's when I notice him. The class clown. Grian Xelqua.

He is super popular. It's probably because he's basically just a combination of all the things girls like. Jock, bad boy, and he's literally known for being funny; albeit a bit of a jerk.

You see, that's where the problem arises. He's a combination of all the things I like.

I had a crush on Grian in freshman year, from the time him and his best friends at the time—Pearl, and Iskall— would play pranks on all the teachers, and they were all stupid pranks that didn't matter much but the way his face would light up and his wings would puff up around him when they succeeded was something I loved seeing.

I don't have that stupid crush anymore. At least, I don't think I do. It doesn't feel like I do most of the time, but sometimes he'll do something and my heart will skip a beat, or my face will heat up—

Y'know what.  Doesn't matter.

"Alright class, everyone is here now so I'm going to have all of you sit in assigned seats this year" the teacher says.

"Oh great" I think, "she's definetly going to seat me in the front."

I hear some kids laughing to the side of me and look to see Grian with a cocky look. He scoffs,"Oh come on, you really hate us that much? Why can't you let us pick our seats"
He steps forward, crosses his arms, and spreads his wings. People make some comments like "I know right" and "honestly" while most just laugh. I try to hide the smile that creeps up on my face and look at the teacher to see her reaction.

She's frustrated, but she pulls through and tells everyone where to sit. When she gets closer to the end of the list, she tells me to sit in a seat that's in the middle row, at least it's not the very front, right?

And then she gets to Grian. "Grian Xelqua, you sit here" and she points to the seat next to mine!
Holy crap there's no way that just happened! 

I am not okay with this in any way, shape or form.

He folds his wings and sits down, immediately putting his head in his hands when the teacher starts class. 

The next class is computer science, which is usually really boring but it's the first day of school so we got to play on the whole time.

After computer science is normal science, and I got to choose my seat in that class, so naturally I went to the very back.

I pull out my books and start sketching on a blank piece of paper as the rest of the tables are occupied by students, but the seat next to mine stays empty.

The teacher starts class, and I just keep sketching. Science is useless, I just want to be an architect anyways.

A few minutes into class the door opens and Grian walks in. "Sorry I'm late" he says, in a very un-sincere way. He scans the classroom for a seat and sits next to me after realizing that was the only seat left.

"Hey, I'm Grian" he says.
"I know." Why did I say that? Who says 'i know' when someone introduces themself?!  "You're popular" I say, trying to fix it.

"I suppose so" he teases. I hum in response. "So, how's your first day going?" He says, his voice taking on a calmer tone.

"Decent. Yours?" I reply, keeping my voice quiet.
"As good as school could be. Most of my classes aren't shared with my friends, so that's pretty annoying. You got any classes with your friends?" He turns to me, and tilts his head in question.

I look back to my sketchpad to hide my face and hopefully signal to him that I do not want to talk. "Dont got friends, so it doesn't matter"

I see his face fall through the corner of my eye, "oh" he says, turning back to the teacher. His wings fall, almost like how my cat's ears droop when she's sad.

"It doesn't bother me" I say, "really, it doesn't. I like being alone."

"If you say so.."

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