Allies. Part 2

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Scar POV
"You put him to sleep, you wake him up yourself" what. Why- why did I say that? What is wrong with me? I glanced at Grian quickly only to look back at him immediately again. He was.. smiling at me? Smiling. Grian. Grian Xelqua was smiling at me. Oh my god I think I might die right here right now.

I turned my attention back to the teacher to get my mind off him, she just rolled her eyes and muttered something under her breath. Couldve sworn she said something like "oh void not him too"

When class ended, Mumbo immediately gathered his things and walked out, but Grian stayed behind and waited. I slung my backpack over my shoulder as he took a step closer to me and asked, "Why did you do that?"

It's something you would expect to be accusatory, but its not. "Why wouldn't I?" I respond. He seems to already have an answer ready.

"Because first of all, you're not the type of person to defy a teacher like that, second, I'm not exactly your friend, and third, you had to witness my.. meltdown.. in the locker room" he gets quieter near the end of his statement.

"Listen man, I just wanna be nice y'know? Plus, to be honest, I don't even know how or why I did that either" I laugh and bring a hand up to rub the back of my neck.

Grian doesn't seem very satisfied by my answer, but brushes it off. "Well.. I guess that's fair then"

There's a silence that falls between us. It's not comfortable, but not awkward either. Something inbetween.

"So.." he coughs, breaking the silence.
"Allies?" He chokes, as he hold his hand out for me to shake.
"Allies." I answer confidently, taking his hand and lightly shaking it. A smile creeps on to my face.

"Hi Scar!!" Bdubs answered my and Cub's call after about five rings. "Hey Bdubs" I smile.

"Sooo I heard from a friend of a friend that your friends with Poppy now!" Bdubs exclaimed.
"Sorry, who's Poppy again?" Cub asks.
"Keep up man, that's our Codename for Grian." Bdubs answered.
"I thought Sunflower was Grian and Poppy was Mumbo"
"Sunflower is Iskall, Mumbo is Daisy"
"Where are we coming up with these code names?" Cub sounds exasperated.

"Guys the only real important code name is Grian's" I said.
They both hummed in response.
"By the way, what friend of a friend?"
Bdubs perked up, looking excited to tell me about whoever he bribed to give him information. "Remember Etho? Well he's friends with Mumbo and Grian, but not like super close, so he got Joel to tell him everything because Joel knows everything even though he's a year younger"

"That's.. nice?" I responded, "though you could've just asked me."
"Aww but where's the fun in that!"

Our call lasted about another hour, but then I had to hang up so we could actually do our homework instead of get distracted every few seconds.

I took off my binder and showered, getting ready for bed. I checked all of my social medias before leaving my phone in the other room to charge.

As I got into bed, I couldn't stop thinking about earlier that day.

Allies, huh?
Good enough for me.

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