18. Surprise

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Lara's Pov:

I pour the tea as I finished cooking breakfast. Zanvil wrapped his arms around me from behind. He nuzzled his face into my neck, placing a feathery kisses.

"Smells good and delicious" he murmured.

"Delicious? Do you talking about food?"

"Of course I'm talking about food. What do you thought" he smirked as I glared at him.

"Dickhead" I said as I started taking food to the table after prying his hands from me.

He chuckled "Seriously Lara? Are you jealous of food?"

I scoffed "Trust me Zanvil, I never got jealousy over any boy"

"Oh you will" he smiled smugly. I rolled my eyes and then both started eating breakfast together.

He moaned as he ate the food I cooked which is cheese pancakes, sausages and tea for breakfast "This is amazing. Really you cooked this?".

I rolled my eyes at him "No I get this all from that delivery guy, who came last night." He glared at me.

"Of course I cooked this Zanvil. I learned cooking from my mother"

He hummed in response. I sighed. God he really need to control his anger. But honestly I don't know why am I getting scared of his anger face.

"Aren't you going to work today?" he asked eyeing me from top to toe as he sipped the tea.

"No I can't"

"What do you mean you can't?"

I sigh "My father is having a fucking spy there for me. So if he came to know about this" I point out my finger to the bandages "then he would not let me stay here anymore"

"You mean Russia?"


He suddenly zoned out thinking about something. "Zanvil?" I waved my hand in front of him. "ah.. Nothing.

"Oh, I need to ask you something" I said after a few minutes of silence.


"How do you stay here often? Wouldn't your family search for you?"

He rolled his eyes "I'm not a child Lara. And I don't need anyone's permission" he smirked in the last.

Now I rolled my eyes "Why are you looking so proud about that. I guess no one gives a fuck about you in your family" at this his smug look fall down which makes me chuckle.

He stuffed his mouth with the food all the while glaring at me. "I spare you because I don't want to ruin my delicious breakfast"

"Yeah yeah eat well" seriously. I'm the one who is injured here, but he is eating more than me.

After we finished our breakfast. He went back saying he had loads of work and asked me to call even if I get bored.


It was noon 1:30. I decided to do simple dish for lunch as I had no motive to cook delicious food which is only for me.

I heard a doorbell and stopped my movements as suspicious awake on me. It can't be Zanvil because he said he can't come, then who might it be. I picked a knife from the counter and started walking towards the door.

I twisted the knob and opened the door in full speed. My eyes widen at what I'm seeing. It can't be.

No way.

What am I gonna do now.

I dropped the knife to the floor and gulped thinking I'm fucked up.


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