26. Worst View

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Lara's Pov:

I stabbed his palm with the knife as the blade went through the other side. He screamed very loudly as I smile at him.

"You bitch let me go" he cried loudly as I chuckled.

"I'm just started you asshole"

I left the knife stuck in his hand then took an another scissor like knife and started to cut his remaining fingers. He started his scream again "What the fuck do you want?"

I didn't answer. After cut off his every fingers I throw that away and took the knife from his hand. I twirled it around in front of his face.

He tensed up saying "I-if you.. Are you doing this because I kissed you? Then I'm sorry. I -I'm drunk please forgive me. I will never touch you-" I raised my eyebrow at him.

"I heard you speaking on the phone that you are bringing some bitch to them which I guess.. that is me? Who are you talking to? Don't think about lying to me because I can find anything without your help but I don't want to miss any detail so..speak. now."

He looked at me stunned before opening his mouth "I -I don't know who are they but they send me large money telling me to bring you to them and they will make me.. CEO of the hotel" he said the last line quietly.

I blinked and laughed "Are you fucking stupid? Seriously how did you became a manager? I'm no use for your plans. You have to get rid of my father if you want to become a CEO" I can't believe he can be this stupid.

"Do you know any other things about them? Tell me the truth" I said as I placed my knife below his lips.

"I-I don't know anything. L-leave me. Let me go"

I placed the tip of my knife on his lower lip and pressed it as blood dripped down. I dragged the knife down till his jaw then stabbed the knife on his thigh. "That is for touched me with that your filthy lips" I said disgustedly.

I turned around and flinched lightly seeing Zanvil standing there leaning on the wall. Shit. I totally forgot that he is still here.

"You can continue your fun. I'm leaving." I said as I went outside.

But I immediately slammed on the wall outside as his lips crashed mine fiercely. His one hand is behind my neck and other is on my butt squeezing roughly.

I moan softly into his mouth at his roughness. He bite my lips and sucked them while lightly grinding his hard on me.

After pulled away we both breathed out as he saw me with lust. "Fuck. I want to take you here right now, baby"

"The offer is tempting but I'm hungry. So, see you later" I said as I started walking away from him. I chuckled hearing him groan.


I woke up hearing my alarm for work. I went into the bathroom and did my morning business. After that I brushed my teeth then stripped my clothes off, went into the shower.

After standing there for half an hour I get out of the shower wrapping a towel around me, I went inside the walk-in closet and wear my clothes that suitable for work.

I picked my phone and handbag, walking out of my bedroom. I went towards the kitchen only to be met with Isabella cooking something.

"Good morning Isabella"

She turned and smiled at me "Good morning dear"

"Why are you cooking? Where is Ruby?" I asked.

Ruby is the cooking maid working here. She always come, cook, then go. Because here no workers are allowed to stay if they don't have work. I even sometimes helped her.

"She called me and informed having some personal problem. So I'm the one who is cooking breakfast today."

"Oh. Do you need help?" I asked placing my handbag down on the counter.

"No Lara I finished. You sit I will serve you." she ordered motioning towards the chair beside the counter.

I sighed and sit down. "Where are others?"

She placed a plate in front of me. "Just ask me directly dear. Zanvil went out somewhere early." she said smiling teasingly looking at me.

I groaned. She's been behaving like this since Zanvil told them we are dating.

"I asked everyone Isabella. I don't care wherever he went" I said while stuffing my mouth trying to hide my lie.

"Oh really? We both know that is a lie dear" she said smiling while I glare at her playfully.

"Okay okay" she said lifting her hands up in surrender.

"Zanvil went early. Kaiden and Karlen just ate breakfast and went to work. Amalia, I don't see her from morning. I think she's still in her room sleeping."

"oh.. k" I said finishing my breakfast.

After eating I said my goodbyes to her then went to work. I have some shits to do today.


I got inside my car checking time in my watch shows 3pm. I started my car after typing the address of my destination on my GPS.

I feel tired because I decided to complete my work soon. Today I also called my father and told him everything about Raden because I need new manager. He got angry and told me to come to Italy but I convinced him and to my surprise he got convinced so easily after thinking about something.

I told Stella that he resigned his job and to tell every employee the same thing.

I stopped my car as I arrived at the entrance of penthouse. The one I bought from Steve.

I parked my car and get out of it. It was beautiful from outside. Now I'm excited to see the interior. After I bought this, it is the first time I'm seeing in person. Because I only saw it in my laptop as pictures before I buy it.

The security system is satisfying. I went inside and it is just magnificent. The whole place scream luxury. I walked into the living room while watching my surroundings in awe. That's when I heard a smashing sound. Like something broken.

I immediately reached for my gun but didn't took it out. I slowly headed towards that direction where that sound is coming from. Then I heard it. Sound of moaning and groaning. Not like someone in pain but more like in pleasure.

I stopped in front of the room where the sound is coming from. I opened it and greeted with the worst view I ever seen. Some blonde hair man fucking some whore in the bed. And I could always recognize that blonde anywhere.

"STEVE" I shouted like whole Russia could hear as he stopped immediately what he is doing then turned his head towards me.

When he saw me standing at the door wide eyed he immediately covered his naked butt with the bedsheet. Well it's too late, I already saw my nightmare.

Is this how he is using this penthouse? Bringing some whore and fucking them here?

"Lara?" I heard a very familiar woman voice. Then my eyes fell down on the wom-no..way.. "Amelia?"

My eyes darted between the two of them as my hands went to my head. Ok I guess I'm going to faint right now.


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