The sounds

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In the Darkwood where the bishop Leshy rules a lamb named Lambert was fighting Leshy's followers to save a dog from getting sacrificed. "How dare you interrupt us, you insolent lamb?" The follower said to Lambert with anger and disgust in their voice.
The followers rushed towards Lambert with swords in their hands. The red crown made its way to the lamb's hand and turned into a sword and the lamb ran into battle.

Battle timeskip

Lambert was successful in defeating ten followers and five monsters. Lambert made his way to the dog that managed to break free from its bindings and was on the ground with its legs tucked up to its chest and whimpering.

Lambert's pov

I walked up to the dog slowly not wanting to scare it away. "It's ok, I'm not going to hurt you. You're safe now." I said with a warm small smile and pet the dog's head which made their tail wag happily and stop whimpering in fear. The dog looked at me with a small smile which didn't last long because the dog jumped in fear at the sound of a tree branch falling on the ground.

"Please don't leave me here! Leshy's followers will just find me and try to sacrifice me again or a monster will kill me!" The dog begged me with tears starting to bubble in their eyes. I nodded my head and opened a portal under the dog that lifted them and sent them to my cult.

I was about to leave the room until...


I heard a loud clanging sound that stopped me in my tracks. I started to scan the area to see if there was another enemy coming...nothing. I turned around to leave again then...




There's that sound again but this time there were two voices.

"Stop that! Or I'll cut off your arms!" The voice yelled.
"Yeah prisoner there's no one out here that can hear you or save you! And escape is useless, this cage is made with the same iron that the four bishops used to keep The One Who Waits in chains!" The second voice said.

'No one can hear you huh? Escape is useless eh? Not if I have anything to say about it!' I thought as I rushed through the tall grass and low hanging tree branches towards the source of the sound.

As I followed the sound of clanging I knew I was getting closer to the source because the clanging sound was getting louder and louder until... it stopped.

I waited and waited for the clanging sound to come back or one of the voices to speak. I didn't hear either one but I heard a new sound and it was awful.


The creature was screeching in pain; it was loud enough to send a shiver down my spine. I started to run towards the sound faster than I've ever run before that my legs started to hurt until I reached the source of the sound.
I entered the clearing to see two of Leshy's followers hold big swords and they were even bigger and tougher looking than the ones I've fought before. Both of them are guarding a cage that has a creature in it.

"Hey who are you and how did you find us?!" One of the followers yelled at me. "It doesn't matter, Leshy trusts us not to let this beast escape!" The other follower said readying their sword and the other followed suit and rushed towards me. I readied my sword and ran into battle. I hacked and slashed both followers with my sword I even used my new curse ability to slowly poison the enemies. I ducked and dodged the guards attack they were still able to get a hit on me but I can take it.

After ten minutes of fighting I finally defended the guards. I walked towards the cage with the creature still in it. The creature started to growl at me as I got closer to it. "It's ok it's ok! I'm not going to hurt you. I got rid of the bad guys. You're safe now! I've just got to get you out of this cage. Ok?" I said slowly to the creature. This made the creature stop growling at me and it started to just stare at me.
I raised my sword and started to hit the metal bars with my sword multiple times until I got tired and noticed that the sword didn't make a mark, not even a single scratch.

I started to wonder why my sword isn't working on the cage. Then I remembered that one of the guards said that the cage is made of the same iron the four bishops used for The One Who Waits chains so breaking the cage with my sword won't do anything. I noticed a keyhole on the side of the cage so I decided to check both of the guard's dead bodies for the key but found nothing. I started to get frustrated until I noticed the creature was gesturing its eyes at something and back at me several times.

I looked at what they were looking at and I saw something shining on a tree branch. I got closer to the tree and saw the key hanging off a branch! I wasn't tall enough to reach the tree branch so I decided to climb up the tree until I reached the branch with the cage key hanging from. I carefully crawled on the branch and successfully grabbed the key then...


"Oh-no." I said as the tree branch started to break more.




The branch completely broke off the tree and I plummet all the way down the tree until I hit the ground face first.


"Oww." I said but it was muffled due to grass and dirt filling my mouth. I slowly picked myself up and spit the grass and dirt out my mouth and grabbed the keys that landed on the back of my head and walked towards the cage.

The lamb and the wendigoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon