Hazel vs demonic hawk

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Hazel's pov:

'I can't believe I'm doing this spell again after so many years! I just hope it doesn't end badly like last time.' I thought to myself as I read over the divide spell.

"Okay here's what you got to do little lamb. Just repeat these words and we'll be able to share the red crown together alright?" I said to Lambert and he nodded in agreement with me.

"I Lambert,leader of the Bleeding Rose cult,the wearer of the red crown and the vessel of The One Who Waits. Hereby allow Hazel to share the red crown. Along with its knowledge,powers and abilities until one of the wearers is deceased or the spell has been cast off." Lambert finished saying he's part of the spell and I still to speak my part of the spell.

"And I Hazel accepts sharing the red crown with Lambert. Along with the knowledge,power and abilities until one of the wearers is deceased or the spell has been cast off." I finished my part of the spell.

And suddenly the red crown started to float towards my head and its eye turned pinkish red.

I felt a surge of unholy power coursing through my veins.
I turned towards the followers who were staring at me in shock and awe.

"Keep Lambert safe until I get back." I said to the followers who silently nodded their heads.

"And make sure he doesn't die!" I shouted as I jumped through the hole in the roof and landed on the ground.

"Hey hawk! Over here!" I yelled at the demonic giant hawk. The hawk turned its attention to me and its eyes turned red and charged at me.

I quickly dodge their attacks multiple times and the red crown turned into a double sickle with the crown's eye on the bottom of the handles.
I jumped towards the demonic hawk and slashed its chest with both of the sickles leaving an 'X' shaped opened wound on its chest. Making the hawk screeched in pain.
The hawk started to hover over me and readying its sharp talons and started swinging at me.
I used my sickles to block the hawk's talons strikes. This went on for a while until I used the sharp end of the sickle and impaled one of the hawk's talons and it once again screeched in pain.
The hawk tried to shake me off of its talons but wasn't having any luck. Unknowingly to me I didn't notice that the hawk brought its head down and used its beak to grab my tail and ripped me off its talon and tossed me towards the lamb Shrine. Causing it to break into little pieces everywhere.
I tried to get back up but the hawk hovered close to me and slashed my chest with its talons causing me to scream in pain.
The hawk flew away from me but started to rapidly flap its giant wings causing a strong wind storm to come towards me.
When I got back on my feet the wind storm hit me.
Unlike the little lamb I didn't get blown away by the strong winds.
I got on all fours and sinked my claws into the ground to prevent being blown away.
I tried to crawl towards the hawk but I slowly started to get pushed away. But I was determined to kill this giant hawk so keep going. Inching closer and closer to the hawk.
The hawk seems to have noticed that I'm getting closer to it. So it started to flap its wings faster towards me. Sending an even stronger wind storm towards me pushed me all the way back to the ruined Lumber Yard and Stone Mine.
I used my sickles to hook the ground to keep me from getting pushed back even more.
'This is insane! The last time I fought this thing it wasn't this hard! Okay think back Hazel what was different the last time you fought this hawk?' I thought to myself as I started to scan the giant demonic hawk for any clues.
I was having trouble looking for any clues until my eyes landed on its wings.
Then it hit me!
'That's it. The last time I fought this hawk one of its wings was broken! That's what's different about this fight!' I thought to myself remembering that the hawk wasn't able to use one of its wings to push me back.
So I quickly came up with an idea to stop the hawk from flapping its wings.
I created two plant spells and a smoke spell and hid the plant spell inside neck floof and kept the smoke spell in my hand. And waited for the opportunity to throw it.

I noticed that the hawk's wings started to slow down and the wind storm started to calm down.
This is my chance!
I immediately threw the smoke spell at the hawk's face covering it in a black cloud of smoke blocking its vision.
I threw the first plant spell under the hawk and it suddenly grew multiple vines and it wrapped itself around the hawk's body.
Trapping its wings and talons then forcing it to the ground.
I started to change at the hawk and jumped on its back and started to repeatedly striking its back and neck with my sickles.
Red feathers and black blood started to spill onto the ground and the hawk kept screeching in pain and started to thrashing around trying to escape the vines.

I laughed smugly at the hawk "Strangled all you want but you're not going to escape the-" I paused as I heard a sound coming from the ground.

I looked to see that the sound was coming from vines that was keeping the hawk's talons from moving around. The hawk started to move its talons up to its beak and started to feverishly peck at the vines. Until the vines snapped freeing the hawk's talons.
The hawk started to stand up and started to claw at the vines around its wings and successful snapping the vines freeing its wings.
The hawk spread its wings and takeoff into the sky.

With me still on its back.

I was hanging on by hawk's tail feathers and the hawk noticed this and tried to shake me off.
I held on tight to the hawk's tail feathers and started to climb up the hawk's body.
When I reached the hawk's neck I started to stab and slash its head and face.
I must've hit both of its functioning..well no longer functioning eyes.
Because the hawk started to nosedive towards the cult.

Third person pov:

Hazel jumped off the hawk before it crash landed into the cult's ground leaving a crater.
Hazel walked towards the crater where the hawk was and jumped into it.
Hazel prided open the hawk's beak and reached into her neck floof and pulled out the last plant spell.
Hazel shoved the plant spell into the hawk's mouth and the hawk unconsciously swallowed the plant spell.
The hawk suddenly widen its eyes in realization and fear and started blinding climbing out the crater and started to clumsily fly in the sky.
But the hawk didn't get too far and roughly landed on the ground.

The hawk started to screeching in distress as if it was begging somebody anybody to help it.
Until it started to screech in pain again as something tried to pierce through the hawk's side.
What came out the hawk's side was a large white flower with red tips on the end of the petals.

Flowers and leaves started to sprout out of the screeching hawk's body and its talons started turning brown and sinked into the ground.
The hawk's horns turned brown and started to stretch out long and its eyes completely turned green.

The followers hiding in the Temple was watching in horror as the hawk tried to let out one last screech. But it couldn't because leaves,vines and branches slowly shot out its mouth covered in blood,guts and intestines.
Finally branches grew out of its eye sockets and replacing the hawk's eyeballs with flower buds.
Hazel silently watched as the giant demonic hawk turn completely into a tree.

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