The healing and awakening 

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Hazel silently stared at the tree which used to be the hawk until she heard running footsteps come from behind her.
Hazel turned around to see half of the cult members running towards her and started cheering and congratulating her on a successful battle with the giant demonic hawk.

"That was amazing Hazel!" One of the followers said,
"Yeah! You really kicked that hawk's feathered ass!" Another follower said. "You're just as powerful as our leader, maybe even more!" The third follower said.
Then the word "leader" reminded Hazel that she had to do something.
Lambert is still gravely injured from attempting to kill the giant hawk. So Hazel quickly made her way to the nearly destroyed temple Hazel found Lambert unconscious in a pool of his own blood.

Lake,Sammy,Sylvie,Lily,Bambi and Jamar were standing near Lambert with worried looks in their eyes.
The rest of the cult members were giving their unconscious leader some air except for Jamar who was cradling the lambs' unconscious body and getting the lamb's blood all over their fur and shirt but to no one's surprise,they didn't care.

Hazel's pov

I walked over to the little lamb to check on him but a certain insane blue fox was cradling the little lamb's body. When I got closer to the little lamb Jamar looked at me and started to hiss and growl at me trying to scare me away which obviously isn't working.
I rolled my eyes and grabbed their tail and tossed them out the hole in the temple's roof.

I checked for a pulse on the lamb at first I didn't find one until I finally found a pulse but it was very slow and faint.
I had to act fast so I summoned a mortar and pestle and some plants and a bottle of greenish red liquid with a heart symbol on the bottom of the bottle.

I started to mix the ingredients together until it started to bubble and glow. When the potions stopped bubbling, I went over to the little lamb and opened his mouth and poured the potion into his mouth and rubbed his throat to make sure he drank it.

Nothing happened for a minute until a blinding green light covered the little lamb and he started to float still covered in the green light.
The green light slowly faded away and the little lamb gently floated back down on the ground. When the green light was completely gone I saw that the lamb's injuries were completely gone, his wool was clean and his fleece was fixed.

He was completely healed and he was going to be ok.

I breathed out a sigh of relief until I heard a soft groaning from the little lamb.
The little lamb slowly opened his eyes and rubbed his head and looked around then his eyes focused on me.

"What happened?"
Short chapter sorry nothing interesting happens!

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