A special meal for everyone but us

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Third person pov:

It was raining again. Which is good because the rain will water the crops.

The cult members were waking up and heading to the Temple to hear the lamb's sermon.

"Good morning my children, I hoped you all slept well last night." Lambert said hearing some of his followers agreeing with him and some of the other followers were talking about the dreams they've had.
Which made him smile.. until he saw Jamar who had bags under their eyes,unkempt fur and was struggling to stand upright.

When Jamar noticed that the lamb was looking at them  they immediately straightened themselves up,fixed their fur with their fingers and spit and looked at Lambert with a big creepy smile and widened bloodshot eyes.

The look alone sent shivers down Lambert's spine.

'I wished I left you to die.' the lamb thought and turned his attention back on his followers.

As everyone started to quiet down Lambert began his sermon.

In the sermon the lamb talked about how the curses on his enemies will be more powerful and won't be the same and his weapons will be powerful enough that the spirits will help him during his battles.

"Glory to the new faith. Praise the lamb." The lamb said, ending his sermon.

"Before you're all dismissed I have a couple of announcements." Lambert said as he began to speak again.

"First I would like to announce that our three members Lake,Sylvie and Sammy have fully recovered and are now okay!"

The lamb said as everyone started clapping for three cult members.

"And I have some good news! You no longer had to sleep in sleeping bags anymore. Because I can build you all a shelter tent!" Lambert said, which made his followers cheer.

"And the last announcement is that you are all going to get a special meal today. Except for Lake,Sylvie,Sammy and River. Sorry guys." Lambert said, giving the four an apologetic smile.





Lake,Sylvie and Sammy are confused about why they're not getting a special meal.
But River stayed quiet because he knew that the "special meal " was actually the Understanding potion.

"Don't worry you guys will still get a meal. It's just not the special one. You're all dismissed!" Lambert said then walked out the Temple's doors along with everyone else.

River's pov:

The leader was giving everyone Hazel's potion except for me,my sister Lake and her friends Sylvie and Sammy because we already ate it yesterday.
But the leader gave us some berry bowls to eat instead.

Lake and Sylvie weren't too happy that they couldn't have the "special meal " especially Sammy who was shaking in rage.

"AHH!!! THIS ISN'T FAIR!!!" Sammy screamed, his face turning red with anger.

"How come we don't get a special meal?!? We almost died yesterday and we recovered! Don't we get anything for surviving?!" Sammy yelled then Sylvie started to talk.

"Well at least the leader let us be the first ones to get a meal and he gave us his blessing." Sylvie said with a small smile.

"Yeah and he also gave us these cool skull necklaces! So that's something." Lake said while looking at her necklace.

But that didn't calm down Sammy.

"I don't care how "cool" the necklace looks! I don't even care that the leader gave us his blessing! I want a special meal!" Sammy screamed, gripping his berry bowl.

"But you already have a meal! It's in your hands Sammy." I said.
Sammy looked at his meal and started to growl.
"Grr I want the special meal NOT THIS!!!" Sammy snapped and threw his berry bowl on the ground.

"If you're done with your little tamper tantrum I hope you just threw your food on the ground." Lake said nonchalantly to Sammy.

"I don't care! Hell, I'm not even hungry anymore!" Sammy while crossing his arms. But In cruel irony Sammy's stomach started to growl and grumble and he'd looked at his food he threw on the ground and walked towards it.

"Dammit yes I am..." Sammy grumbled and started to use the bowl to scoop his food off the ground and started to eat it.
Ignoring the fact that his food now has pieces of grass, dirt and bugs mixed in it.

Me,Lake and Sylvie cringed at the sight.

"Uh.. anyways it's good that we're not getting the special meal." I said and Sylvie turned her head towards me.

"Why?" Sylvie said with a confused look on her face.

"Because you three had some yesterday or should I say "accidentally" had some?" I said.
"Plus I've already had some yesterday." I added.

"Wait, you mean the three bowls filled with the mysterious black colored gummy that nearly killed us?!" Sammy yelled , widening his eyes in shock .
"That's what the special meal the leader is giving everyone?!" Sylvie also yelled, also widening her eyes in horror.
"And YOU had some yesterday?!?" Lake screamed, widening her eyes in shock and horror.

Sammy started to scream in outrage,Sylvie brought her knees up to her chest and started to rock back and forth repeatedly saying something along the lines of 'Why is this happening to us?' or 'Does the leader hate us?' And 'Why does the leader want to kill us?'and Lake pulled me into a tight but protective hug.

"Why did the leader make these for everyone if he knew what's going to happen if you eat it?!" Sammy yelled into the skies then he continued with his rant.

"You know what? I'm starting to think that our "leader" isn't so great at all! If he'd only brought us to his cult just to be killed for his entertainment, well he's got another thing coming!" Sammy yelled as his eyes started turning red and he had two black pupils on both of his eyes. That means one thing only..

Sammy has lost all faith in the leader and is no longer loyal to the cult. Sammy becomes a dissenter.

"What?! No! The leader didn't make this, it was Hazel she made it!" I said to Sammy while trying to calm as he started to gain some attention from other followers.

"What do you mean "Hazel made it"?" Sylvie asked me.
"Well first the "mysterious black colored gummy" you three ate wasn't food. It was a potion. Second yes Hazel made the potion. Well the improved version of the potion she told me.
And yes sister I did eat the potion. I did indeed felt pain in my head for a minute but I didn't pass out like you,Sylvie and Sammy." I explained to the three.

"Plus Hazel helped calm me down when I was having an anxiety attack when you were unconscious." I told Lake.

"Wait Hazel told you? Now I know you're making this up. Because we heard Hazel talk yesterday and she was speaking to us in a different tongue." Sammy said not believing me.

"That's why the leader is giving everyone the potion!" I yelled at Sammy in Frustration.

"A potion for what exactly?" Sylvie asked me.

"The potion is for-" I didn't get a chance to finish my sentence because a loud scream rang through the cult. All four of us turned our attention towards the screaming follower who was on the ground and clutching their head in pain.

Then three more followers fell to the ground screaming in pain and clutching their head. Then the last three followers fell to the ground screaming and clutching their heads in pain.

Me,Lake,Sylvie and Sammy along with Hazel and the leader went to check on the followers to see if they were ok.

"What's happening to us? Are we dying? Help us, leader. It hurts, it hurts so much! Make it stop!" Various followers' voices called out to the leader for help or yelling about how much they were in pain.

Within a few minutes everyone stopped screaming in pain and no one fell unconscious due to the pain.
The seven of us helped the followers up off the ground and the leader called everyone into the Temple for an announcement.

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