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Jungkook's POV:

As we all ate and talked, I could tell something was wrong with Taehyung. He was being quiet, and he was spacing out a lot which, I've noticed he does when he's stressed.

He was sitting across from me. He was eating a little, but most of his food was untouched. Miso was still in my lap. I cut up her noodles so she wouldn't choke and now she was eating.

I reached over and touched Taehyung's hand. He looked up at me in question. I smiled at his confused face.

"Why aren't you eating?" I asked quietly.

"I'm not super hungry." He replied with a small smile.

I wasn't convinced but I didn't push it.

"Okay." I said as I helped Miso sip her milk.

About 30 minutes passed and Miso had fallen asleep on my shoulder. Taehyung still hadn't eaten too much. Aerum was in Jimin's lap. We all were just listening to Jin talk about his bakery that I found out he started on his own.

Our flight was in about 20 minutes, and we all were just trying to pass the time. We decided we should probably head to our gate, so we left the restaurant.

As we all got up and started walking, I noticed the slight discomfort in Taehyung's expression. I noticed he looked nervous but was trying to cover it up with a small fake smile.

I slowed my pace so he could catch up to me and I decided to ask him about it.

"Are you nervous?" I asked quietly as we walked beside each other.

My question shocked him as his eyes widened and he looked at me like I was crazy.

"Of course not, I'm fine." He said as he looked up at me through his eyelashes.

"Tell me if you are. I don't want you to have an anxiety attack here. It will be so uncomfortable for you. You'll be in pain the entire plane ride." I said softly with sincerity. That will be horrible for him.

His eyes seemed to soften at my words.

"I promise I'm alright, Kookie. Don't worry." He said quietly.

"How can I not worry? You barely slept last night, and barely ate anything today. It's okay to be nervous, Tae. You just have to keep taking care of yourself. Okay?" I said feeling extra worried about him.

"I am. Last night I was just thinking about ways we could get home. I wasn't hungry because it's early. I'm fine." He said resting his hand on my shoulder to assure me.

"Okay. Still, tell me if you get nervous." I said feeling like he was lying to me.

He nodded before we reached our gate. All of us sat down in the waiting chairs and waited for our plane to be ready to board.

Taehyung POV:

Jungkook was really worried about me. I already felt guilty. I guess I'm just bad at hiding my emotions. I tried to assure him, but he's still not convinced. When we sat down, I sat next to him. I grabbed his free hand to play with his fingers, needing something to use to get my mind off of the plane ride.

I felt him watching me, so I looked up at him. Miso was still smushed into his shoulder. He was smiling at me. I smiled back.

Our stare was interrupted by Aerum who suddenly ran up to me with grabby hands.

"Mama." She mumbled.

I dropped Jungkook's hand and picked her up immediately. Jungkook turned his attention to her as well.

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