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Jungkook POV:

We all just walked back inside from the beach. Taehyung took the girls upstairs to bath them and change them into their pajamas.

My mind kept wandering to Taehyung and how good he looked in his white swim shorts. I remember him telling me he had multiple "pretty" swimsuits and I was excited to see the others if this was only the first one.

His body was so curvy yet lean. He was built but soft. He had the most gorgeous physique I'd ever seen. The fact that I end up marrying him doesn't feel real.

Don't even get me started on the incident that occurred earlier today. Taehyung might not be mine yet, but he will be in this timeline. Knowing this, I can't ever let someone touch him like that.

The thought still made my blood boil, but knowing Taehyung was ok was enough to calm me down.

I helped the hyungs unpack everything and all of us went to take showers to wash all the sand and salt water out of our hair and body.

I walked into our bedroom and saw Aerum rolling around on one of the beds wrapped in a fluffy white towel. Her hair was damp, and Taehyung was looking through her suitcase to find her pajamas. He was still in his swimsuit and button up shirt.

"Daddy!" She squealed as she saw me.

"Hey baby. What are you doing?" I asked as I walked up to the bed next to her.

She stood on the bed and fell into my chest.

"Mama gave me a bath!" She giggled.

"Ahh I see." I said as I rubbed my nose against hers causing her to giggle some more.

"Come here, Aerum." Taehyung mumbled while folding some of her other clothes.

I looked over at him before lifting Aerum up and placing her on the floor in front of him. He started to get her dressed and I decided I would go take a shower.

I kissed Miso's head who was sleeping on the bed since we arrived at the house.

I took a 10 minute shower, making sure to get all the sand out of my hair. After I was dry and changed I left the bathroom and found a now all dressed Aerum getting her hair brushed by Taehyung.

She ran up to me when she saw me exit the bathroom. Her small arms wrapped around my upper thighs. I reached down to pet her now smooth hair.

"Take her downstairs with the others?" Taehyung asked me.

"Sure." I responded as I looked up at him. He looked tired but happy.

"I'm gonna give Miso a bath and then I'll take a bath, okay?" Taehyung said.

"Okay." I said before I picked Aerum up and left to go into the kitchen.

I sat her down in the living room and set up frozen for her to watch while I help cook.

Half an hour into cooking, Taehyung brought Miso in and handed her to me. She was dressed in a nightgown and her hair was smooth and brushed out. She looked happy and refreshed.

Taehyung went back up to take a bath as he was still in his swimsuit. He said he was going to take his time so not to bother him if he wasn't in here when the dinner was ready.

I sat Miso on the couch with Aerum so they could both watch the movie. I went back to sitting on the outside deck with Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok. They were all talking out there while they were waiting for their soup and meat to cook.

Jin and Jimin were sitting in the kitchen at the counter. They were also talking but it sounded private, so I didn't bother them.

As I sat, I mostly just listened to them talk. Namjoon was talking a lot about the crabs he found today and Hoseok was giving him animated replies. It was fine until all of a sudden they started to talk about what I assumed was work? They started to talk about Football which caught my attention but I panicked when they started to talk about statistics of the teams plays and money. I didn't know what they were talking about and it started to scare me.

Rings of Fate * TaeKookOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant