We all love you

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3rd Person POV:

"Jungkook?" Jimin asked, all of the boys' heads turning towards the stairs to see the boy slowly walking down them.

Taehyung stood up watching the boy warily, ready to rush to him in case he starts to faint again.

"Koo, go lay down." Taehyung said, walking towards the tired boy.

Jungkook walked up to the others, leaning against Taehyung when they reached each other. He looked at all of them, his tired eyes slowly looking at each of them. All six boys watched him with worried looks. He frowned deeply, looking back at Taehyung.

"What's wrong?" Taehyung asked in worry, cupping his cheeks. Jungkook leaned into his touch, his eyes sad and lips wobbling. He shut his eyes tightly, fighting back his emotions and words. He slightly shook his head, all six boys watching him in concern.

"Koo." Taehyung whispered out desperately, not enjoying the state of his boyfriend one bit.

Jin and Namjoon both walked up to the boys, ready to take action in case Jungkook passed out again. Before anyone could say anything, the tired boy shouted, "I'm so sorry!"

His voice breaking in a desperate plea. Everyone was silent, shocked at the sudden outburst. Taehyung's heart broke at how badly he was tearing himself up over the incident.

"No, baby. You did nothing wro-." Taehyung started, trying his best to calm the boy, but he was too upset.

"I-I didn't mean t-to let you all down!" He said in a loud, broken tone. He looked around at all the boys before looking directly at Taehyung, and suddenly, he broke. He broke at the sight of his sad boyfriend. He thought he was upset about the incident when he really was worried about Jungkook.

His breath sped up, his throat racked with sobs, tears rolled down his cheeks, spewing from his eyes like a sprinkler. He sobbed harshly, gripping Taehyung's forearms in fear of losing him. Taehyung's eyes grew teary, not knowing what to do.

He looked over to Jin for help, but he was as clueless as him. Everyone was frozen in shock at the outburst. All that was heard was the heartbreaking sobs of their sweet bunny. Before Taehyung could speak again, someone stood up.

"Jungkook, relax. None of us are mad at you. You didn't let anyone down. Taehyung isn't mad at you, he loves you. We all do. So, stop crying over what happened." Yoongi said with a stern voice and sharp eyes.

His words were solid, making everyone look at him shocked. Yoongi didn't talk often, so when he did, it was always important. The words seemed to have knocked some sense into him because he stopped sobbing and swallowed thickly. His grip on Taehyung tightened but he didn't look away from Yoongi's eyes.

"I promise you, you didn't do anything wrong. We are all proud of you for standing up for Taehyung, especially me." Yoongi said in a softer tone, Jungkook looking at Yoongi with such an intense expression.

He looked so vulnerable. Eventually, he nodded. Yoongi sat back down and looked back towards the TV, everyone else still watching the youngest in worry. He looked back at Taehyung, no longer crying, but sniffling. Taehyung smiled at him.

"Let's go lay down, okay?" Taehyung whispered, kissing both of Jungkook's cheeks. He leaned into the kisses, exhaustion taking over his body again. He weakly nodded before letting Taehyung drag him back towards the stairs. When the two were out of sight, the hyungs all looked at each other with shocked expressions.

"You were the last person I thought would be able to calm him down with one sentence. That was incredible." Jimin said to Yoongi, looking at him with stars in his eyes. Yoongi shrugged and made a sheepish face.

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