18. Chapter (Abduction)

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As Eliza and Travis leisurely proceeded through the grand corridor, suddenly, from around the corner emerged Emmett Leighton. The three of them appeared taken aback by the unexpected encounter, and it was Emmett who spoke first: "Lady Eliza Price, Lord Travis St. Arcey," he respectfully bowed and directed his gaze towards Eliza, "might we steal a moment for a private conversation, please?" He then glanced at Travis. Lady Waterford had already departed ahead of them, seemingly in haste to rejoin the company, entirely oblivious to the fact that the couple lagged behind.

"Of course, if you would kindly excuse me, Marquess St. Arcey," Eliza replied, mindful of Travis' discerning gaze. It was considered improper for a single lady to engage in private conversations with an unmarried gentleman, but these two individuals found themselves in a rather unique circumstance. In the end, he merely acknowledged her with a bow, and with that, he proceeded towards the bustling ballroom. Emmett extended his hand to Eliza, and she graciously accepted. In that instant, a servant materialised with a silver tray, bearing a single delicately stemmed glass filled with crimson wine. "Wine, Your Graces? Regrettably, this is the last remaining glass for the time being," he offered, his voice brimming with courteousness.

"Thank you, but I have already imbibed enough. Lady Eliza, would you care for more?" Emmett inquired, his voice laced with refined grace. Eliza wordlessly took hold of the glass and elegantly savoured its contents, before returning it to the tray, catching the surprised gazes of the two observers. However, Emmett maintained his silence, and together they sauntered towards the conservatory. Upon reaching the far end of the corridor, the Duke veered into an adjoining obscure, dimly lit corridor, and seized the opportunity to unlock the nearest door, beckoning for Eliza to enter. Providentially, the chamber within was softly illuminated, affording her a glimpse of the Duke's contemplative countenance.

"Dearest Eliza, I implore your forgiveness," Emmett began, his voice tinged with remorse.

"Do you wish to annul our engagement?" she inquired candidly, searching his eyes for sincerity.

Emmett regarded her with astonishment. "Good heavens, why would I ever entertain such a notion?" he exclaimed, his voice laced with earnestness. Eliza merely shrugged, finding herself rather uncomfortable in his presence, especially when secluded from the prying eyes of society.

"You have been evading me, for you have not graced us with your presence in weeks. Furthermore, our betrothal remains unannounced, leaving me no choice but to entertain unfavourable conjectures about your intentions," she stated firmly, her words carrying a hint of reproach. Emmett nervously chuckled in response.

"But I did inform you that it would take some time, as the king compels me to embark on a journey across Europe, specifically to Hanover, Prussia, and Saxony. I am tasked with the duty of selecting a suitable princess for his esteemed grandson. I implore you to keep this matter strictly confidential, as it is of utmost secrecy."

Eliza remained silent, prompting him to approach her and gently place his hands upon her shoulders. "I do not intend to call off the wedding. I merely request your patience, for I have not been able to extricate myself from this responsibility."

His touch unsettled Eliza, causing her to brush off his hands. "What if I wish to dissolve the engagement myself?" she asked sharply.

Emmett gazed at her for a moment before dropping to his knees.

"Then you condemn me to eternal solitude, Lady Price. I have never cherished anyone as deeply as I cherish you. Alas, circumstances seem to conspire against us. But grant me the passage of time until my return—then we shall converse anew. If you still harbour the desire to annul the engagement, I shall acquiesce without a moment's hesitation," he pleaded, akin to a martyr.

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