57. Chapter (The Wedding and The Feast)

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A month had transpired without any hindrance, as both families concurred on the earliest feasible wedding date. Elizabeth had persuaded the most skilled seamstress in London to toil assiduously on Eliza's bridal attire, utilising only the most exquisite fabrics such as cotton, satin, taffeta, and delicate lace.

A diamond tiara graced her head, and her coiffed hair was elegantly adorned with amethysts. Stepping before the grand entrance of Westminster Abbey on her wedding day, her heart momentarily paused from nervousness and the late February chill. For an instant, it felt as though the wind might carry away her delicate lace, but she managed to enter the church unscathed. Attendants fluttered around her, meticulously adjusting her long train and ruffles, creating the image of a true aristocratic beauty. It was at this moment that her father approached her.

"Do you feel at ease, my dear daughter? I am immensely proud of you," he said with a warm smile, his walking cane tapping gently with each step. She returned his smile, but tears shimmered in her eyes.

"I am exceedingly content, father. Never could I have envisioned such profound love and devotion, free from doubt or reservation."

"Are you certain of your choice?" he inquired, his voice filled with paternal concern.

Eliza nodded, her expression resolute. "Without a doubt, father. I am certain."

John leaned in and pressed a tender kiss to her forehead. "I shall miss you greatly when you depart for Newcastle."

"But that day is not yet upon us," she reassured, wiping away her tears.

Eliza and Daniel had decided to dedicate the initial month of their matrimonial union at Thornton Hall before embarking on their journey to his familial estate in Newcastle. John struggled to divert his gaze from his radiant daughter, aglow with happiness. Yet, the moment had arrived for him to escort her down the aisle, where her affianced eagerly anticipated her. Extending his arm, they advanced toward the grand doors, which gracefully swung open, revealing a sanctuary filled with expectant guests.

At the end of the aisle stood Daniel, enraptured by Eliza's beauty upon their first gaze. He was splendidly attired in a navy blue coat embellished with intricate patterns, a pristine white shirt peering through, and a silk cravat encircling his neck. Despite his personal aversion, he even adorned himself with a powdered wig, meticulously adhering to the customs and traditions of the time, leaving no space for scandal or gossip.

For since their engagement was announced, whispers had swirled through society, and the mention of Kent's name had grown in frequency. Yet, Daniel skilfully dismissed such idle talk, evading any suspicions cast his way. Now, those very individuals filled the grand church, eager to witness the union of the most sought-after beauty and this respected lord, acknowledging that this was no ordinary match.

However, Daniel and Eliza paid no heed to the surrounding crowd; their eyes were solely locked upon one another. And even if they had glanced around, they wouldn't have noticed King George II with one of his ministers or the man in the corner of the church trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, for their focus remained entirely on the profound connection they shared.

Marquess St. Arcey had received an invitation to attend both the wedding ceremony and its subsequent feast; however, he chose to decline the invitation, opting instead to be present in disguise, concealed beneath a cloak. Merely witnessing the union of the two souls caused a profound ache in his heart, and as they exchanged their sacred vows, he felt his heart shatter into countless fragments. Unable to bear the emotional turmoil, he discreetly slipped away from the joyous crowd, seeking solace in the quiet solitude of the vestry. Seated in a pew, his gaze fixed upon the crucifix adorning the wall, he pondered his destiny until the presence of the priest broke his reverie.

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