Chapter Eighteen (2) - Brave New World

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so these are added chapter from rewriting which is why the titles are whack


THE BALL SKIDDED ACROSS the snow and slammed into a weathered old net. As soon as it hit the goal, I yelled out victory. My mittens joined Blair's hands up, the only other girl on the field during afterhours. I had a green light to skip training today because both Luc and Tony were busy with something else, for once.

I formed an L on my forehead at the goal kid, because we absolutely eviscerated his team. Surely had nothing to do with the fact that Adam was on our side and taking no prisoners.

"This isn't a fair game, is it?" Jen's voice resonated from the stands. She was half paying attention to a stuffy physics textbook with Sam and Emma on either side of the row. "Most experienced players are grouped on one team. C'mon."

"Uh, most as in one more guy?" Adam trotted over, stopping in front of me. "We're an odd number. Would help if you guys closed the books for a moment and joined."

"Running after the bus is my daily cardio, thanks."

Emma lifted her eyes off a notepad and focused ahead after Jen spoke. Evening light outlined slim angles on her pale, sunken face like the wind would erode it away. We didn't talk much, at least nothing meaningful since our argument. I didn't find the brass yet to force her to listen, and she still needed some normalcy.

"You sure you guys don't want to play?" I smiled. "We're doing a couple of last rounds before leaving."

A boy snorted on the field, and it took a fair amount of restraint on my part not to body-slam him into the snow. I turned toward Emma again, hopeful, but had enough time to see the reluctance flicker across her features.

The group paused and discomfort smothered the early december air. All of it made me want to run around slapping cheeks, because I knew what most of the boys were thinking. Many resented Emma's silence. It was obvious she wouldn't have been of serious help, but to them, it was the effort that mattered.

I searched Adam's gaze, and he returned a strained nod. He faced the girls on the bench.

"There's enough room for everyone." His head leaned toward his teammates, eyes briefly narrowing their way. "We can rearrange the teams until it's even if you three are in."

Sam caught on and shut her book. "You know what, why not? I can't remember the last time all four of us were together in one place and I'm so down to kick something."

That got a few laughs out of the players. I couldn't help the expectant stare that fell on Emma after the other girls waited for her answer, barely holding in place. Her slim hand was wrapped tight around a neon highlighting marker.

Adam extended an arm and raised his voice. "Who doesn't like kicking shit? I say the losing team owes the winning one a pizza for tomorrow's lunch. The pizza from the Maple Diner."

Murmurs and approvals swirled all across the field, some boys exchanging remarks and handshakes. When I gave another glance, I met shrugs and even some grins from the surrounding kids. But I could tell Emma was still unsure, and with good reason.

Her eyes darted between both goalposts and people in the middle, biting her lip. Jen rolled an arm around hers. Adam gestured at her to join again. Finally, she rose from the stand, flushing, brushing dust from her jeans. My chest warmed, and we forgot the books on the row.

Adam strode beside me. We shared a smile as he bumped my shoulder. Meanwhile, kids swarmed the field's center to divide the teams with a renewed energy.

(REWRITING) The Skylar Experiment : CovetingWhere stories live. Discover now