Chapter Fifty-One (3) - Follow The Blood

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IT GOT TOO FROSTY for me regardless of his fancy-pants radiator superpower, so we later surrendered to the seekers. I tried to put aside the arrival that left a sour taste, reminding myself that I was here to get closer to folks. 

As a result, I joined another round of hide and seek with the youngest. Mackenzie was no longer seeker, and she must be more curious than she'd admit, because she rescued me from jail several times, then even holed up with me. 

She didn't talk a lot, but boy do these kids stare. Maybe it was her own way of taming the novelty. Their process around strangers and getting to know people was forcibly different from other children. When other kids saw her and Ethan show less reservations, I became less out of place. 

Three a.m. passed, and the hyper-activity of that crowd was wearing me out mentally. My phone got a text from Dad, suggesting I should come home soon. 

Luc was still in hiding, probably enjoying some extra peace and quiet, and the mansion's reception was spotty with all these mutants crammed in. Some were bartending or moving stuff with abilities.

I picked up my coat at the hallway. Heather's sixth sense kicked in, and she was hovering as I bent over my boots. 

"Everything okay?"

"I'm just stepping out for a few minutes. Dad wants me home. I should call." 

We never sent him the address, I didn't assume these people would be comfortable with sharing that outside of me. Heather looked apologetic. 

"So sorry about that. Lots of happy and nervous energy going around these days. Don't let Niko get under your skin, he's just misguided. Unfortunately."

I schooled a bright smile for her. "Thanks for inviting me." I had the sense that Luc had been in good hands all these years, and I appreciated her for it. "You all make a nice and strange, strange family."

She returned the smile. "Taking that as a compliment. When you're ready, I'll send Lucas and Ben to get you home. As soon as I unearth the rascals."

Good luck with that. The door clicked open and I dug out my phone, putting some distance between the house and me. Automatically, I stopped behind the Rover, shiny and spotless as usual. I dialed the number and tested the signal. 

"Hey kiddo, having a good time?"

I gazed into my see-through face on the rear window. "I played, like, an hour of hide and seek with some kids."

He puffed out a laugh, but it faded quick, almost instantly. "You haven't played that in forever. Anyway, it's getting rather late for us."

"Actually, Luc and Ben can take me home soon. Remember Ben? My other classmate in Bio, the guy who got me to start Breaking Bad."

"Yes, I remember each one." He paused, and I hoped he wasn't going to insist on being the one to drive around. "Send a text when you're heading home, which should be in the next hour. I don't want to fall asleep and miss it. Okay?"

My heart was full for some reason, just hearing that. "I love you."

"Love you more," he said before he hung up. 

My arm lowered. He still trusted me, after all, and once again I wanted to kick myself. The best option wasn't any easier on my conscience. I exhaled, wind swirling through my hair. The sudden quiet brought out some nasty knots in my back I hadn't been aware of. 

(REWRITING) The Skylar Experiment : CovetingWhere stories live. Discover now