Forty-Two - Damage Control

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DISMAY STRUCK ME so hard that the shards pelted down in a ruckus. Miles exhaled, then smirked after Chuck ran out in the hall. I took off, speeding up to catch him.

He'd seen me. He'd seen what I can do. He'd seen what he shouldn't have...

Fear iced my blood, and I rapidly clotheslined the boy before he'd reach the stairs and approach the exit or the cafeteria. He started to yell. I clamped a palm over his mouth, squeezing to a point where it must hurt but it muffled the noise.

Shit, what did I have to do now? What was I supposed to do in this situation?

He was frail and weak, and his struggles compared to that of a child's thrashing—easily wrangled. I wasn't a strong person, but after my stunt, my body seemed to take on a new force.

"Hey, hey, I won't hurt you," I whispered and dragged him behind a wall in case the teacher returned or anyone walked in the hall. I saw Miles exiting the class, probably evacuating the scene before the suspicions fell onto him. "Chuck, stop. Please, stop. I don't want to hurt you."

Though he was taller than me, I had no issue keeping him in an armlock. His scream died off, giving way to frantic breathing, and a tear tickled my index.

What the hell was I doing!?

I... I needed help. Someone. Luc. Mr. Kennedy. Anyone. 

After the soccer team party when I lost control, most of the players forgot about the phenomenon of bottles flying to the ceiling. The few who remembered blamed it on the shrooms or couldn't explain it. Jesus, I couldn't handle this one on my own, but I didn't know where the others were and I couldn't wander around the school searching with Chuck in this state. I was alone with this until he calmed down.

"I'll explain to you if you stop resisting, okay? I seriously won't harm you. Chuck, you have to believe me." 

Said the chick with literal blood on her hands and who almost killed a classmate. God, I was so utterly screwed.

I whirled Chuck around and pinned him against the wall, keeping one hand over his mouth. I wanted him to see my earnest face.

"I swear it's not what it looked like," I added, holding his fearful stare like he was seeing a demon. He wanted to flee. "A minute ago, you thought what you just saw was impossible. I'm not... exactly like you. I never did anything to you despite that. Please... Give me an opportunity to explain what just happened?"

I waited for minutes, and I think he came to my conclusion. The fear was omnipresent in his eyes, but I felt confident enough to free his mouth. I'd unintentionally smeared blood on his chin while doing so. 

I breathed in relief when he didn't yell or scram.

"Okay. Come with me."

I moved toward a locked classroom and willed the door open, my own nerves from the altercation with Miles fudging my steps. I closed the door behind us and let him walk far from me. I paced back and forth, bringing my arms to my head while scrambling for a game plan. 

Thinking nothing of it, I approached to speak at a normal volume, but Chuck whimpered and slid to the floor, wrapping his skinny arms around himself for protection.

My step faltered. I terrorized him like that?

"I guess I'll stay here, then," I murmured and leaned against a desk. "Look, um, Chuck..." He must be wondering if I'll let him go after this. That had been my first concern after seeing Luc in the meadow—that he'd drag me into a remote corner of forest and kill me. "I just need you to listen and I'll let you head to lunch, okay? I'll stay away. I won't bother you, I promise. Nothing will happen to you in here, but you have to hear me out."

(REWRITING) The Skylar Experiment : CovetingWhere stories live. Discover now