18. Dreadful News

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--Two weeks later--

Lauren and Emma had agreed to discretion so Luc wouldn't think they maintained contact. Today, she brought him to The Maple Diner and sat at a booth in the back, ordering mountains of food. Luc was in a good mood. He finally terminated that Wanderer disturbing the town. The conditions were as favorable as ever to break it to him.

"Did you know Ethan wasn't in school today?" he said. "It's the third day in a row and Heather hasn't told me anything."

"I called her yesterday. His abilities are... spiraling out of control a little. She might let him go tomorrow if it calms down."

Luc raised his head. "And Maia?"

"Didn't hear much about her," Lauren answered. "I assume she's doing fine for now."

"I'll stop by to see the kid later, then."

He took a sip from his glass of water. Lauren remembered when Luc and her were in Ethan's shoes. It was so horrible it was legendary. They were in a full crisis, trapped in the inability to control their outbursts of energy piled on top of the whole fish out of water situation. Damages to the house were inflicted daily. Heather couldn't even give the twins a separate room without triggering a mini-earthquake in the first months. She deserved a medal.

"I'll come with you," she agreed and picked at a piece of bacon. "Oh my God, we should ask Heather if he wants to sleepover at our house someday!"

Luc chuckled. "He'll finally get to escape his mom."

"He's blessed with the best French toast maker in the universe. Even you can't do it better than her."

He gasped and put a hand to his heart. "How dare you? Mine is amazing!"

She made a silly face and cut her pancakes with a knife. "Anyways, I need to tell you something."

"I'm listening."

Lauren set down her utensils and looked at her brother. "You can't freak out."

Luc's eyes narrowed. This was starting out well... "Then you probably shouldn't have said that."

Lauren chewed her lip for a second and wondered how to introduce the news. Of course, this was significant. He won't be glad about it or accept it easily. But... maybe things could change for the better, and she knew it was best to start with her brother. He distrusted humans for the simple reason that matters always turned sour when they were invovled and it backfired in deadly ways--which was the universal rationale their whole family avoided humans. It was learned through experience, but Lauren could see how this conviction evolved into a stubborn compulsion over the years and her people lost sight of reality. 

Humans were everywhere, and they should be able to make sensible decisions. They should be able to make distinctions and not see everything as black or white. 

"I... hung out with Emma." Her brother immediately tensed and her lips pinched. "And I may have shown her what I am..."

He glared at his sister like he wanted to shake her senseless. "Tell me this is a joke, Lauren. I did not just hear what I think I heard."

He waited for Lauren to reassure him, but she didn't. She held his glare and breathed deeply. This was a shock to him. 

"I told you not to freak out."

Luc seemed inches away from pulling out his own hair. A muscle twitched in his jaw. "You think this is a game? You've pushed this way too far. I can't believe this." He rose from the booth, rummaging in his pocket. "Where the hell is the girl? I'll take care of it."

"Calm down!" she whispered, grabbed his arm and forced him back on his rear. "It's all okay. Just listen to me, it's not that bad."

Luc shot her an piercing stare that could slice through metal. "You have thirty seconds before I go ape-shit on your friend and erase this mess."

"No, you're not," she snapped, her fingers tightening around his forearm. "I'm not letting you or anyone come within sight of her until you hear what I have to say. You are acting like a threat towards an innocent kid. Think about it."

Her brother's eyes flicked from her hand to her face, a crease deepening between his brows. Lauren tilted her head slowly. Her severe gaze shimmered with untold warnings. She wasn't playing. He inhaled through his nose and glanced at the waiters. 

"You ought to make a really good case right now."

She took it for what it was worth and let go of his arm, hoping she hadn't squeezed too hard.

"I explained her a few things, mainly that it's hard for us to trust people and that she needs to keep it to herself. She didn't get scared or try to run." Hope shone in her face, but Luc was too mad to let that soften him up. "She understands... do you know how incredible that is? She really gets it and nothing has happened for two weeks."

"You told her two weeks ago?"

"I wanted to see how she would cope," Lauren said, waving her hands. "There's nothing she can do to put us in danger."

Luc pushed his plate away from him. "You don't know that. What happens if she goes behind our backs and tells an official or something? If there is any record of the experiments, the government will hear of it. And they will believe her... or at least investigate."

"She wouldn't know who to speak to in the first place and hasn't tried."

"Damn it, Lauren. Did you really have to pull a stunt like this just to prove a point? Do you know how wrong it could have gone? I wouldn't have even known about it and I couldn't have helped you."

"I know it's hard to swallow," she conceded. "I was nervous the whole day, but this shows that maybe we can trust a few and not have to hide all the time. Luc... this is a game-changer."

He shook his head and threw it back against the booth, letting out a frustrated groan. "Fuck, how do we handle this now? You did plan on telling everyone else, right?"

Lauren nodded. She felt sorry for her brother. He'd probably spend all night overthinking and not sleeping again. During rough times, he often became insomniac and it tarnished his mood. Her brother massaged a temple, clamping his jaw. 

"I want to be there when you do. Maybe... maybe if we're two to say we can trust that girl, it won't be as bad."  

"You don't have to cover for me. It's my responsibility." Lauren straightened. "You trust Emma?"

"Of course not."

"So, you're going to lie to everyone?"

Luc raised his hand for the bill. "It'll be fine. If I do this, it might minimize the reaction, maybe even lower the risks of others wanting to do something about Emma. And... I can't let them banish you for this."

She looked at him while the waitress walked over to their table and began taking the plates. It took a lot to get to that point. Exposing oneself did figure on the list of offenses, however, and Lauren might be at risk. Being excluded meant no communication with your people and no support. One had to fend alone in the world. 

"Thanks. I really appreciate it."

Luc sighed. "You're such a pain in the ass, but I'm with you on this one." He started for the counter and spun around as she didn't follow him. "Come on, let's go see Ethan."

Another old chap unedited, and I hope it was alright :) Let me know if this raised any questions!

(REWRITING) The Skylar Experiment : CovetingWhere stories live. Discover now