Chapter Thirty-Eight - Making Amends with Luc

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I WAS STILL GROUNDED for principle, but I was allowed to see Luc for 'homework' if needed. Dad admired the dude ever since he didn't take my crap and dragged me home. All that time home allowed me to finally fill out an application for college, hoping it would stick. It felt like a shot in the dark. 

Marshall University was so conveniently close, and the idea of being on my own far away with all the hunter and abilities ball game made me question things. I doubted the others would be fine with letting a mutant toddler go out of state or change counties. Or with bending over backward to make arrangements. 

That weekend, I used the partial freedom to walk to his cabin with a bag, fidgeting at the thought of confronting Luc. I hadn't warned anyone I was coming so he'd be home. All kinds of vehicles crowded his driveway. Weird. 

I climbed the wooden, snow-covered steps and heard RnB music booming. The windows at the front must have given me away by now if he was in the living room or had a view on it. 

Puzzled, I decided to ring the bell instead of barging in as the policy preferred. Footsteps echoed on the other side, and Luc stumbled in the entry. The music amplified as the door opened. He looked behind him, grinning as shouts resounded from behind. People our age ambled in the house, laughing and drinking. His head turned to where I stood, and the grin faded.

I felt completely out of place.

"Uh, hey," I blubbered, recoiling ever so slightly on the porch.

His eyes narrowed with distrust. "What are you doing here?" He jerked at the sound of shattered glass and shouted back, "Watch the damn shelves!"

In the background, Devin walked to the kitchen.

"Why are you mad?" Ben trundled after her. "Come on, what did I say now?"

"Sorry, I didn't know you were busy..." I apologized, and Luc focused on me.

He leaned against the doorframe, propping one arm up. "Friends who live out of town flocked to my place. We usually reunite for the holidays. Why are you here?"

"I just came to say—"

"Who's this?" A young man in a flannel shirt and leather jacket, older than Luc by a few years, strode in the hall. His pin straight, raven hair fell loosely on the sides of his forehead. Striking silver eyes glimmered as he gave a swoon-worthy smile, and the white set of his teeth contrasted against darker skin. 

"The poor thing's standing in the cold, have some manners and invite her in! What's your name, darling? I'm Raymond." He passed behind and ushered me inside with a friendly hand on the back.


His lips formed an O, and he looked back at Luc. "That's her?"

He wasn't having any of it. For some reason, he glared at Raymond like he wished him dead. "Remind me why you're here."

At that, Raymond's distinct stare riveted to the floor. 

"Dude... we haven't talked in—"

"And whose fault is that?" Luc snapped, turning to him and forgetting me. "You've done enough. I'm only letting you here because the others wanted to see you. If I had it my way, I'd kick you out because you are not welcome. Now, get out of my sight. You're interrupting."

Raymond looked miserable by the time he finished his tirade, but unafraid to stand his ground. I subtly stuck to the wall as toxic resentment effused from them. 

(REWRITING) The Skylar Experiment : CovetingWhere stories live. Discover now