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       - - - - THE SURFACE OF THE MOON - - - -

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- - - - THE SURFACE OF THE MOON - - - -

    In the year 2005, on the surface of the moon, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers are in the midst of a deadly battle between Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa. The Rangers are badly injured and can barely stand up. They're surrounded by bodies of puddies and in the distance is a battered and damaged Mega Zord. The last one standing is the White Ranger, Tommy Oliver, who's fighting with everything he has left in him, but it's just not enough.

On the battlefield, Billy Cranston, the Blue Ranger, is crawling to his wife Trini Kwan, the Yellow Ranger, who's struggling to get up. As she falls, Billy catches her with the little ounce of strength, he has left.

Billy Cranston: You remember our vows? I'll always be there to catch you.

Trini Kwan: Yeah. Still beats spending Christmas with your mom.

As the husband and wife duo are having a tender moment, the other Rangers are starting to rise from the rubble and begin to gain their footing. The first to get up is Kimberly Hart, the Pink Ranger, and although she is badly injured, she's still ready to fight.

Kimberly Hart: Guys, get up. We have to help Tommy.

The other rangers who follow Kimberly are Jason Scott, The Red Ranger, and Zack Taylor, The Black Ranger, who are also struggling to catch their breath.

Jason Scott: Kim's right. We gotta help Tommy.

Zack Taylor: How?! We can barely stand up.

Kimberly: That doesn't matter. Tommy needs us.

Without hesitation Kimberly regains herself and immediately rushes into battle, followed by Jason and Zack. As Billy looks at the other Rangers charge into battle he's hesitant to join, until Trini grabs his hand which causes him to look at her.

Trini: She's waiting for us.

With that sentence, Billy nods and helps Trini back up and they charge to join the other Rangers in battle. As this is happening, high above a pillar, Rita Repulsa regains her footing and sees the Rangers charging toward Lord Zedd and Tommy.

Rita Repulsa: Not this time, Rangers.

She then begins to put her hands together and black and red lightning begins to form around her. As she doing this, a wicked laugh comes from Rita as she's enjoying every bit of this.

Rita Repulsa[cont.]: I should've done this years ago. Time to die, Rangers. See you in Hell!!!

A single red lightning bolt shoots for her fingers and aims for the remaking five rangers. As the other Rangers are going full steam ahead towards Lord Zedd and Tommy no one sees the deadly red lightning bolt except for Trini, who notices that it's headed straight for Billy.

Trini: Billy!!!

  With all her speed Trini rushes toward Billy and pushes him out of the way which causes the red lightning bolt to her and shoots her back a foot away, from the battle, and into a standing pillar that collapses on top of her. Billy is horrified as to what has just happened and immediately reacts.

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