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I was back to where I started.

Seven years ago I was in this office, carrying my little brother in my arms as he slept with exhaustion on my shoulder. Then I was here a week ago, where he accepted money and let that shit of a man take away my brother.

I'm here again, but I don't know if this is the day he will shoot me dead.
I deeply wished I had Bobby to hold me and tell me to be strong. I know he would've told me to look down the barrel of the gun when you're at the end of it and go out with confidence instead of fear because a fearful death is shit. You don't wanna let the man who pulled the trigger think that you were weak because he will remember. Every fucking detail.

Zane Black is the only person that can look through me, who can call on my bullshit but he never does. I don't know why, and I simply don't care.

He watches me with some fucked up amusement in his eyes, a smile playing on his lips, elbow on the arm of his chair as he uses his knuckles as support for his chin. Then he lifts his head and bites the nail of his thumb lazily, his smile spreading wider, "I find it hilarious. I've known you for seven years, and I know how fucking stubborn can you be. But that man, he paid me a million to keep you away when he had only known you for like two days hardly. That man sees through things, doesn't he? He calls on your bullshit too easily, right?" A heavy low chuckle escapes his throat, and his shoulder gently shakes, "Amazing."

I take in a deep breath and gently let it out through my parted lips, "Congratulations, you tracked me down. Now what? You're gonna shoot? Throw me to the wolves in your club? Am I going back into that cement wall you love so much?" He scratches the faded right side of his sideburn, the hair on top thick and long, the sideburns shaved giving him a younger and sharp look. His jaw clenches but the amusement in his eyes never dies, "Darling, you know that coffin was to only teach you discipline. You were a tough one to train."

"Yes, to the point you locked me in a cement coffin for two days?"

"You started obeying, so that's a success on my end."

"Am I still obeying?" I ask with an eyebrow raised in mock. I will not die in fear. His fist clenches. Disobedience is something he took personally, but then again he appeared calm still, "You're just a little strayed. No worries, I'll let it go now just for you. You know you've always been my special girl, Daisy. You bring me more money than the others ever could. I would love to have you all to myself but you're good for business, and you know more than anyone that Zane Black does not mix business with pleasure."

"Am I supposed to give a fuck about that?"

"Your choice."

"My choice?" God, I wanted nothing more than to strangle him with his own tie, "Since when do you ever give me a choice?"

He stands up and walks over to me. He turns my chair to face him and leans closer so that I could smell the cigar on his breath, "We live in a world where our choices are taken from us every day, I'm teaching you how to live in it." His voice held back anger but his words were smooth. With a finger under my chin, he lifts my head and runs his eyes all over my face. I grab the hem of the sweater I wore so I won't pull away instantly no matter how much I wanted to. I'm not dumb, I know that he notices everything but he still ignores it because he doesn't care. His lips are almost whispering on mine, "No matter how many times you run, I will pull you back here until the day you die, Daisy Wyatt," his head tilts with a smile and he leans closer, hardly centimeters away from touching my lips but he smiles as if he's contented in knowing that he has control over everything in the moment. The tip of his nose brushes mine, and I almost feel his lips move over mine, "you belong to me whether I fuck you or not."

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