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He was inside his office for hours.

The first thing I did after walking quietly out of his room is grab a knife from the kitchen and hide it under my pillow. I can't trust anyone but myself at this moment. The guns could be there for protection but it's all bullshit stuff I'm trying to feed myself because I am in deep shit.

I knew about the knives but the gun- fuck. He has too many guns under his bed. I thought back to our little argument and he did ask me if I wanted to borrow a gun, and I thought he was bluffing. Fuck!

He wasn't bluffing. One thing I can say with confidence about that man is that he is not a bullshitter.

I grab a glass from one of the fancy handle-less cabinets and fill it with tap water, and shriek right as I'm taking a sip, "Don't use that water. Take water from the fridge." I wipe the water off my chin and slowly turn around so he isn't suspicious or anything.

Way to go, Daisy, you might have pissed the man off with your boldness and he might even shoot you as you're asleep.

I make a way to act like I'm ignoring him as I finish the last sip and he's standing there with his hands inside the pockets of his beige cargo, wearing the baggiest white t-shirt I've ever seen.

I can't let him intimidate me or he will make it feel like hell. I just know it.
His eyes flicker to something behind me and an amused look graces his face. I hate that look. The corner of his lips quirk up, "I see you took the knife suggestion, sweetheart."

"Fuck. Off."

A deep chuckle escapes his throat, "No."
I swallow rather loudly but then I took in a deep breath to calm my heart down, and ask, "Now what?"

"Now... we stay out of each other's ways, and tomorrow sign the marriage papers to make it official. Congrats, you're a Carmelo now."

"I don't wanna change my name."

"Trust me, sweetheart, I don't wanna give you my name either, but if you wanna be protected from Zane or anyone else, this is the way to do it. Rest is your choice." Then he pauses, and smiles, "Oh wait, you don't have a choice." And gently rubs the tip of his index and middle finger under his bottom lip, slowly shaking his head with the movement. Then with his thumb folded against his palm and other fingers holding the thumb down, he releases a crack sound, and the same goes on but with his thumb pushing the index, middle, and ring finger down one by one.

Tud. Tud. Tud. Tud.
That's the sound it made.

His voice low, almost grumbles, "Don't look at me like that, sweetheart, unless you're up to make an entirely different deal with me." I keep the glass on the counter and stalk slowly, "If you think that all this talk that you did, will have me on my knees... you couldn't be more wrong, Carmelo. I seduce people for a living, you won't win this war."

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