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Week two of being petty was surprisingly going pretty well, I pissed him off more than I intended to but I'm not complaining.
I mess up his house and I watch him take hours to clean it up, muttering some things in Korean that I'm sure as hell are curse words.

Well, as long as I don't understand Korean, the words can't hurt much.
Ha! He's so funny when pissed.

He was cleaning up the kitchen again, washing the dishes, and cleaning up the sauces off the floor that I made a show of accidentally spilling because of some invisible unbalanced floorboard.
I sit on the stairs, enjoying the popcorn I made before I lied about spilling butter in the microwave.

I gotta applaud him for the fact he's patient, might grumble or try to intimidate me, but he's patient.

I purposely dropped a piece or two on the stairs and snapped my finger, "Hey, sweeper boy, you missed a spot." He stops and sighs, "I didn't miss a spot." I point at the stair beneath me, "See, there's popcorn here." He takes a breath in, extends the sweeper enough to get the popcorn, and then cleans it up. I drop another piece, "Hello!" I snapped my fingers and pointed at it again. "Are you blind?" I think I heard his chest growl as he let go of the sweeper and grumbled, "I'll do it when you're done chewing." I squish the kernels in my palms while I smirk and let them fall on the steps, "I'm done." He cleans it but I dunk the whole popcorn from the bag on the floor, "Oops, now I'm done." I watch him holding the sweeper rod and the next moment he's snapping the rod in two on his knee. He takes off the dirty microfiber cloth from underneath and throws it at me. I shriek at the sauce-stained cloth and slap it away. "I am not your damn maid."

"Then why do you clean like one?"

His watch rings but he ignores it, "You know when you called yourself a 'petty bitch' I thought it would be exciting. A child with a tantrum isn't exciting at all. It's pathetic." I snort, "You, repeating that same sentence twice is what's pathetic at this moment. So creative." I picked up the dirty cloth and threw it at his feet, "I like how you get so annoyed with messes I create. Such an organized, clean home had sauce all over the floor and the first thing you do is get to cleaning, even before having your first cup of coffee in the morning. I know I'm doing a damn good job in pissing you off."

I stand up and slowly walk down the stairs, he crosses his arm on his chest and stands tall but I walk past him without saying another word. He grumbles something in Korean again and I'm sitting on the couch with a new mission to put another stain on his collection.

Maybe mustard this time?

I'm about to fall asleep when I groan to myself.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. How can I forget it? The fucking money in the drawer of my nightstand in my old place. Fuck! If it were a couple of hundred dollars, I would've let it go but it was more than that. It was the money I was saving for Kevin's ticket to New York and the first four months ' rent for his apartment. How can I be so stupid?

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