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Oh, sweet land.

We landed and I can't be more thrilled to get out of the goddamn plane. My body felt good, honestly, it felt well-rested until I looked over at him. He kept rubbing his shoulder with a groan and the nape of his neck. The fighting couple were smiling and laughing in front of us as they got off the plane. I knew Jin wanted to stare daggers at me and every time he tried to meet my stare, I looked away.

Finally, getting through the security, we walked to arrival. I was expecting to see his brother but a man clad in a black three-piece suit bowed to him with a smile on his face. He was old, salt and pepper hair, but he looked well-fit. Jin bowed right after but his bow wasn't as deep as that man's. "Jib-eulo dol-aosige doeeo bangabseubnida, jeolm-eun ju-innim. (It is good to have you back home, young master.)" Jin's jaw clenched, "Geuleohji anhda. (It's not)"
The man looked at me and I had the urge to hide behind Jin. And as if he noticed, he slides his hand in mine and tugs gently that I take a step forward, standing right beside him. The man raises a brow with a curious look, "Nugu... (Who...)" he looks right at him as he answers, "My wife." The man's eyes went down to my ring and I knew why I was wearing a real diamond instead of a fake one.
Jin looks at me, "Daisy- meet Mr. Park."

Do I hug? Do I bow? Do I shake hands?

The man- Mr Park- bows deeply to me, "Welcome to Seoul." I gulp.

With a hand on my spine, Jin gently guides me to walk out of the airport and I'm instantly slapped by the brutal cold of the city. Fuck! I should've worn something warm.
There were three black cars parked right in front of us and I think he was a big priority.
We're led to the car right in the middle and I have this sinking feeling inside. I grab his sleeve and he stops, leaning down to get closer as I ask, "They won't blow us up again, right?" He scoffs, "Not yet."

"What do you-" I don't get to finish my sentence when Mr. Park approaches us with what looks like a black thermal jacket, neatly folded in both of his hands. He bows gently, "My apologies, I thought you were the only one coming home." Jin shakes his head and takes the jacket, "It's fine." And instead of wearing it, he drapes his on my shoulder and guides me to sit inside the back seat of the car with him.

It's a new everything.
New country and new language- all too overwhelming.

The ride was at least two hours long but it felt like forever. I turned to look at him and there was familiarity in his eyes as he watched through the window, a fist clenched on his thigh. Clenched so tight his knuckles were white and that made the veins protrude. He was so tense but I didn't know why. I wanted to hold his hand and link my fingers with his, but I didn't know if I should. I let my hand rest between us, over the thermal jacket I kept in the middle. Just as I turned my head to the window, his hand grabbed mine, he combed his fingers through mine and held tightly, never looking at me.

Mr & Mrs CarmeloWhere stories live. Discover now