Chapter 4 - You can take your kisses back

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Zenneth and Kevyn spent some evenings together in the forest, after training days. They avoided the complications of friends and family. It was as if they were both afraid of overbalancing this delicate thing between them. And they avoided the politics that were starting to swallow up the human world of which they were a part.

Zen's family was wealthy. Very much so. The second most well-off in the Fae district of the Capitol. And the world has grown tired of the filthy rich. Most of humanity struggles to get by. He could see the problem but was scared of what might come.

Kevyn's family was comfortable, as most of the Folk were, but not rich. They didn't value it, either, as Zen's family did. Zen's family spoke of Kevyn's family mainly because they, too, bore magical seals. Peers in a sense. The Fuegos were once a powerful family as they were, but did not attain new power (money) as successfully as the Valgustus'.

Zen didn't bring any of that up as they talked together, laughed together, and kissed one another. What they did talk about was sparring, their studies, their philosophies, their family and friends, and even the limits of their power.

But the world got worse, and one day, Kevyn stopped meeting him. Zen waited for him three times before giving it up. It over-toppled, as they'd silently feared it would. And the revolution was in the air.


The day of the Championship came. It was hard to focus on it given everything that was going on, but he came anyway.

The hacks started, the wealthy lost everything, and money was dispersed to communities in need. It didn't happen to Zen's family, but he wondered if it would happen to them, too. Especially since Kevyn's mother, who worked for Zen's parents, spoke out publicly against them. His parents were hiding what assets they could in preparation.

People were dying, too. The worst offenders in the public eye were accosted and killed. Murdered in the streets and their stately homes.

And yet Zen came. And fought - well. Channeled his rage to a razor's edge. He won three matches yesterday, and there was only one left for him today. The final matches of the competition. And of course, it was against Kevyn Fuego.

Sexy, principled, too good for him Kevyn, whose mother may have fingered his family for reprisal. The Valgustus' weren't wealthy enough to kill (yet, those standards could change), but were ripe for robbery.

When he looked at Kevyn, who was stretching and seemed to be in the zone, the rage consumed him. Mixed with the hurt he felt at being ghosted. Zen had thought Kevyn was starting to see past the privilege. He was wrong. Or, maybe he did...and he just didn't like what he saw.

Kevyn glanced at him, and saw he was looking at him. He looked sad, and vaguely sorry - about what exactly, Zen didn't know. It didn't matter.

They walked out to the center of the green field, grass under their feet. He saw his parents proud faces. Zen and Kevyn faced each other. Zen's expression was set, paint on his face severe even as warrior's marks go, hair pulled back in a warrior's braid - and Kevyn had his game face on, too.

They both wore black protective padding that absorbed magic, and made a chime when hit, to help keep score. Physical attacks counted as well, and both were more than capable on that front. Kevyn, for his brute strength, and Zenneth for his agility.

They bowed and took their stances.

When the match began, they both started on the offensive. Then they traded shocks of lightning and bursts of flame back and forth. It hurt when he was hit, as always, but not too badly. And it was nothing with the adrenaline coursing through him.

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