Chapter 19 - The Gala

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Kara hugged Zen as soon as she'd walked through the door. Brock followed, closing his arms around him from behind. Zen's eyes fell shut. It was a great hug. It had surprised him. Zen was too used to wafting through life. He forgot what it was to do things of consequence.

"Tell us everything," Kara said when she pulled away, checking him over belatedly for injury. Kevyn and Chay came in from the kitchen and greeted them. "So you're alright, Kevyn?" she asked. He said he was.


Chay pulled Kevyn aside, into the kitchen. There was something he wanted to say before anything else happened.

"What is it?" Kevyn asked.

"A lot is going on. More is bound to come. And I don't want you gallivanting around anymore," Chay said, getting right into it. "Because Zen will follow you. And then I'll follow Zen and it will all be a mess."

"I don't gallivant around," Kevyn said, offended.

"You do. You waltzed right into that warehouse the same day you heard about it. You have more principle than sense sometimes. It's part of what Zen likes about you. And I get it. But you have to be smart, too."

"I know that," Kevyn allowed. "But I didn't know how big this was. I do now."

"Alright," Chay said.

"You really love him," Kevyn commented. "It's good that he's had you by his side. He needs love in his life."

"That's your job now," Chay teased.

"He still needs you," Kevyn said.

Chay smiled. "You all need me. Stay out of trouble."

"Kevyn bit his lip, then asked, "You still love him - like that?"

"I always will," Chay replied. He almost said more but seemed to think better of it.

The front door opened and happy and concerned greetings could be heard from the living room.


Brock put down his pizza and said, "So that's why you demanded info from me and hung up like a damn action hero." Zen smirked and looked apologetic at the same time. "And then all but disappeared for three days."

The seriousness of Brock's worry showed through his teasing words. Zen noticed the dark circles under his eyes now. Kara's knit eyebrows. "I'm sorry I worried you both. It wasn't safe to talk to anyone."

"Don't worry about it," Kara said, "you've been through a lot."

"So you're safe now?" Brock asked.

"For now," Zen answered. "I have to decide what to do next. I don't think staying here will be an option for much longer."

"Do what you have to," Kara said, then asked, "Does Mayor Selby know about what's been going on in his city?"

"I don't know," Chay replied. "I'm about to reach out to his office."

"I used to intern for him. My Uncle still works for him. My family is close to his," Kara said. "Maybe I can learn something, too."

"If it's discreet," Zen said. "Your friendship with me isn't a secret."

"I'll pump my parents for info," Kara said. "Discreetly," she added.

Chay's phone buzzed. He looked at the message. "Duty calls," he said. "Let me know when you decide what to do," he added to Zen, who nodded.

"Thank you Chay," he said warmly, and hugged him hard.

They ate in silence a few minutes, then Brock said, "You know, Mayor Shelby accepted the invitation to the unveiling of my exhibition at the museum."

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