Chapter 15 - Comparing notes

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Zen, Kevyn, and Chay sat in the Fairy's plush living room on the other side. Zen and Kevyn were on the sofa, tea in hand, and Chay tucked up his legs on the armchair. Jean Claude had made the tea and left them to it, putting a parting hand on Chay's shoulder, which Chay held and squeezed for a moment. Then Reno, who had apparently been keep watch here during the tumult, announced he had training and left as well. Though JC had only gone so far as the small study, Reno went to a building toward the town center.

The former was the city planner, often about the town, but there was a fair amount of desk work involved. The job was a bit like herding magically inclined cats, but he made the most of it - enjoyed it - happy with the million little diversions from his plan in the end. Then there was Reno. The captain of the town guard and personal protection for Chay. Chay wasn't very lordly, generally speaking, leaving the fairies of the Capitol to their own devices. But something was up. Zen could tell.

"You're a Lord? How did I not know that?" Kevyn asked.

Chay shrugged. "I don't focus on it much," the fairy said. At least half of the fairies with titles were self-proclaimed. Lords and Ladies, Princes and Princesses. But Chay was backed by Queen Maven, who presided over all the fairy lands in Kreta. She liked him, he was powerful enough, and he had no ulterior motives. A perfect fit. The rest, those not acknowledged by the Queen, were individual or unincorporated into the Sovereignty.

"Why are you meeting with a guy like that? That Lula Coca?" Zen asked Chay, put out by the confrontation.

"Trying to keep the peace, while keeping you safe," Chay answered, just as put out.

"Sorry. I'm sorry, Chay. Thank you for taking us in," Zen replied. Zen had been a brat in saying that. He was overwhelmed, yes, but it didn't do to snap at the one that was helping him.

"Especially me, you barely know me," Kev said.

Chay's expression softened. "I know enough, Kevyn. And, Zen, I'll save your prickly ass any day." He composed himself, and said, "It's the same old Dark Magic peddling, with a new pharmaceutical partner."

"Dokuyaku?" Zen asked.

"Yup. Which is why I wanted to keep you away from it. But Lula wanted to leave our meeting from the Kreta side, and he could tell it made me nervous. So, instead of being any sort of decent guest, he insisted. Barged through." Chay looked at Kevyn. "What did you do to get on their shit list?" Zen wanted to know more about that himself.

"I - me and my Aunt. She's a police Captain in the District, and we got to talking.


Kevyn sat down heavily on his parents' couch, beer in hand. Pillar, in the adjacent armchair, her drink in hand, looked away from the game show and said, "What's up, kid?"

Kev was hesitant, unsure of his Aunt's sympathy for his situation. "Me and Zen had a fight."

"Ah," she replied in understanding.

"And I don't know how big it is. Worry creased his brow. "The whole relationship is a powder keg ready to go off. But what a relationship. We're so different, but so perfect, and it's driving me crazy."

"If it's possible to find a way, I think you will with him," Pillar said. "Real relationships take work, and it sounds like you're willing to put it in. Fights happen when it's real."

Kev let out a breath. "Thanks."

"What's the fight about, if I may ask?"

"We have different ideas of what's important, I guess. We were raised differently."

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