The Dining Hall

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(Y/n)'s POV

"I MAKE IT THREE TIMES A DAY, SO YOU WILL EAT IT THREE TIME A DAY, IS THAT CLEAR?" Chef, who most definitely was a drill sergeant at one point of his life, screamed at us. I was close to the end of the line to get my food, and from what I had seen from other people's plates, I'm not sure I'd be able to stomach it right now, let alone three times a day. I walked up to get my tray and decided against saying anything about it. The people behind me were all Screaming Gophers, so when I saw everyone at my team table was already talking to each other, I decided to just sit at the end and try to force this "meal" down my throat. After about two bites, I had to stop eating before I made myself sick. It didn't taste the worst, but I swear I saw my sandwich move, and now I no longer wanted to eat anything. I let my head rest in my hands as I contemplated my life choices.

"Hey, sweet cheeks, you don't look too good. You're not used to eating grub, are you?" I looked up to see Duncan talking to me, and he seemed genuinely concerned. I must've made a pretty terrible face or turned really pale. There's no way he'd actually care that much about me, right?

"No, not really. Why do you care?" I responded. I already wasn't willing to put with him, but this food made my tolerance worse.

"Hey now. No need to get feisty with me. I'm only trying to help," he responded, putting his hands up in defense.

"And what makes you such an expert in 'eating grub'?" I asked using air quotes to get my attitude across.

"You happen to be looking at Ontario's latest juvenile delinquent to be let out on good behavior. It wasn't easy, but I managed to get out a few hours ago to do this show, and now I regret it. There's a ton of people I could've beaten up that would've made an extended sentence way more worth it than coming to this dump. Anyway, we ate stuff worse than this all the time. The trick is to plug your nose and just swallow the food without chewing. Give it a try," he explained. I did as he said and it somehow made the process of eating easier. I kept it up until most of my food was gone before speaking to him again.

"Thanks, but can I ask why you're being so nice to me now? Ten minutes ago, you couldn't stop making strange comments toward me, yet now you've found yourself willing to help me get this mush in my stomach? Why do you switch up so fast?"

"(Y/n), I've seen a lot in my life. Sure, I like to have my fun, but I'm not gonna let someone just starve to death, especially a teammate. I'm not that cruel." My face softened at his words. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all.

"Well, thank you, Duncan. That was actually pretty nice. I'm willing to forgive you for earlier on one condition," I proposed.

"Jeez, how much am I gonna have to do for you before you return the favor?!" He replied before smirking. "Lay it on me."

"Tell me who does you hair and piercings! I've been looking into changing my appearance for awhile, and you clearly seem to have a good person for the job!" I smiled at him. I was still treading lightly, but I figured trying to better our relationship wasn't a bad idea, especially for the team.

"Ha. I never tell my secrets to anyone. You're gonna have to prove yourself to me. Also, I'd be careful if I were you. I wouldn't want to make a stupid mistake if I looked as good as you." I laughed at his joke, but then got to thinking. If he looked as good as me? Please. I mean, I won't deny I'm good looking, but clearly he was just trying to flatter me to get something, right?

Duncan's POV

I know what it looks like, but I was NOT trying to get something from them. I genuinely wanted to get across that I did all this stuff because it would only enhance my looks and that I felt like it would tarnish theirs. Again, I'm not a monster.

But when I saw how they smiled at that, I couldn't help but start thinking about it deeper. Was this too far to consider "friendly banter" and did they think I was interested romantically in them? I mean, like I said before, the name "hot stuff" fit them like a glove, but that doesn't mean I was magically in love. They were the only person at this stupid camp that seemed like they would understand me. If anything, I was just trying to make an acquaintance. Friend was a bold term. Maybe I'd consider it if they let me win the money prize at the end of this competition. We continued making small talk until we were told to head to our cabins and change into swim gear for our first challenge.

"Alrighty campers, it's time for your first challenge! You all will take turns jumping from this 1000 foot cliff! Whichever team has the most people do that will win carts to carry boxes back to camp to build a hot tub on the shore, but be careful! There's some animals in this water that are NOT happy with me! The first team to successfully build their tub wins! Are we all ready?" Chris explained. It was time to put my game face on and win this thing. 

It's now or never. May the best team win.

Juvenile Love: Duncan x Reader (a Total Drama love story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt