The Awake-a-thon

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(Y/n)'s POV

I'm awoken from my deep sleep by Chris screaming in a megaphone. He demands we all leave our cabins immediately, and all I can do is groan and flip him off, even if he can't see it. I get ready and follow the rest of my team outside.

"Good morning, campers! Today, you're going to be completing a 20 kilometer run around the lake to get to the cafeteria! Good luck!" And with that, he was gone. Everyone around me complained for a bit until we finally started to get a move on.


Once me and some other people make it to the cafeteria, it becomes a waiting game for everyone else. Eventually, Owen comes in with a passed out Noah and starts doing chest compressions on a table. Normally, I'd jump in and help, but I was so tired and hungry I couldn't be bothered. Right behind Owen is Harold, very visibly having heart palpitations. Chris announced that the Screaming Gophers won when Owen came running in. We all thought the day was done and would finally get to eat, but it turns out this was only the beginning of our day.

"Alrighty, campers! Here's the breakfast we promised you!" Chris said while pulling back a curtain. My jaw practically fell to the floor. There was a whole buffet laid out in front of us and I swear I saw someone cry. There was turkey, beans, maple syrup, you name it, it was there. After we all completely devoured our meals and gained our respective five pounds, Chris announced our real challenge.

"Now that you've eaten everything, it's time for the Awake-a-thon!!!" he yelled at us.

"Wait, so making us run and then eat a ton of turkey was your plan to make sure we were as tired as possible?" I asked him.

"Bingo! Head up to the campfire to get the timer started!" I had to admit, his plan was pretty smart. We made our way to the campfire and just sat there, fighting sleep.


After 24 hours, only a handful of us were still awake, including me and Duncan. We started having a conversation to try and stay awake longer.

"Favorite color?" I asked him.

"Green," he responded. "Favorite food?"

"Anything that isn't Chef's sludge," I replied after making sure Chef wasn't nearby. "Favorite band?" These questions kept going until Chris decided to start reading us fairytales. A few people got out, but Duncan and I were holding strong. Then Chris got to the fifth story and I felt myself fading out.

"Hey!" Duncan said, shaking me awake. "Don't fall asleep on me! Then I won't have anyone else to talk to!"

"Ok, ok! I'm trying! It's been almost 36 hours! I don't know how much longer I can go." We eventually get up and walk around.

"No way, he's rock solid!" Duncan exclaimed, looking at Justin. He was right. The dude had his eyes wide open and was standing straight up. I poked his face and realized the truth.

"He painted his eyelids! I saw it!" Eva screamed. Chris came over to confirm and he was officially another person out. We were down to the final six. Heather, Eva, Duncan, Gwen, Trent, and I were the only ones left. Chris decided to read us the history of Canada to try and bore us to sleep.


About three hours after Chris started, I could barely keep my eyes open. I looked at Duncan and he seemed extremely focused on staying awake, so instead of bothering him, I just gave in, and boy did it feel good.

Duncan's POV

About three hours into Chris reading us the history of Canada, I looked over and saw (Y/n) passed out. Great. Now I have no one to talk to so I can stay awake.

An hour after that, I was just me and Gwen left. We had been awake for almost four days straight at this point and I lost all desire to sleep. I was determined to win this thing.

"Alright! We're going to have a bathroom break! You get five minutes and need to let the cameras wait outside for you!" Chris told us. I got up to use the bathroom before everything went black.

"Duncan, you in there man?" I faintly heard a cameraman ask me, but I was already too far gone to answer. I've been told they locked the door in and saw me sitting there sleeping. Gwen had won the stupid challenge and I was going to be remembered for this forever.


After we all were well rested, we headed back to the cabins to shower and get ready for the elimination that night.

"WHERE IS IT?!" Eva screamed while throwing things out of her cabin. "WHO TOOK MY MP3 PLAYER?!"

"Oh! This mp3 player?" Heather said while holding it up, trying to act all innocent. "I found it in the woods and figured I'd keep it safe from anyone stepping on it." I didn't buy it for a minute. I knew she probably took it, but decided against saying anything about it.

"Oh! Thank you, thank you!" Eva responded. "Heh, sorry about that guys, I guess I let my anger take control of me.....again."

"Duncan, we have to get rid of her," (Y/n) told me after pulling me aside. They explained all Eva had destroyed in her rage and how all the other girls were equally as angry. I couldn't disagree with them. They seemed really upset.


"...and the final marshmallow goes to..." Chris dragged out while looking between Harold and Eva. I mean, I didn't really care who went. Harold was a sweet kid, but come on. There's really nothing to him. Everyone wanted Eva out, so that wouldn't be too bad for me either.

"HAROLD! Sorry Eva, but it's your time to walk the dock of shame and ride the boat to loser town!" Chris finished. As Eva was leaving, Courtney waved and yelled goodbye, almost getting killed by a stick Eva had sent throwing. Clearly, there was some hard feelings.

"Thanks for voting Eva, Duncan," (Y/n) told me on the way to the cabins.

"No problem. Sorry you guys keep having interactions that make you uncomfortable. Hopefully that's the last of them," I responded.

"Yeah, I hope so. Good night, Duncan, although I'm not sure I can sleep after I caught up from the Awake-a-thon."

"I'll tell you what. Wait an hour. If you're still wide awake, head to the forest. If I'm there, we'll go exploring together. If not, head back to your cabin. I don't want you getting eaten," I proposed. I don't know why, but it was getting harder and harder to accept conversations with them ending.

"You got yourself a deal. I'll see you then, maybe," they responded before heading inside. Man, what were they doing to me?


Hey hey! Sorry this took awhile to get out. I went to a concert the other day and have been recovering from screaming all night. I feel better now! I hope you enjoyed and keep a lookout for the next chapter that comes completely from my brain and has nothing to do with the show :)

Also, thank you all for the support so far! I love to see you're enjoying this book!

Juvenile Love: Duncan x Reader (a Total Drama love story)Where stories live. Discover now