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(Y/n)'s POV

A few days after the night Duncan and I snuck out to the woods, Harold decided to snore the ENTIRE night, so we showed up to breakfast somehow more tired than we were during the Awake-a-thon.

"Duncan! You look like death, dude!" Chris taunted.

"Harold snored all night! None of us got any sleep!" Courtney explained. I wanted nothing more than to hit everyone making noise in that moment. Before I got a chance to strike, the man of the hour walked in. He sat down and we all started laughing at him.

"Okay, what?!" Harold asked, confused as to why we were all laughing at him.

"Someone messed with your face, man," Geoff told him. Instead of getting mad, Harold checked out his appearance in a spoon and seemed to enjoy the prank. Go figure. While I was sitting there trying to figure out how his mind works, I heard Heather start yelling at us.

"Hey, fish-heads! Way to kick out your strongest player! Might as well give us now!" she taunted. Before anyone could respond, Courtney launched some oatmeal at her, only to hit Gwen instead.

"Alrighty, campers!" Chris yelled. "Your next challenge is in ten minutes! Get a move on!"


We arrived to the indoor gym not too long after. Duncan immediately laid face-first down on our team's bench.

"Wake me up and it's the last thing you'll do," he threatened all of us before immediately passing out. Chris explained the rules shortly after and it was time to play dodgeball.


After the first two games went to the Screaming Gophers, Courtney decided to think of a new strategy.

"Come on, guys! Think, what do we need to win?" As soon as she said that, the solution immediately dawned on her. "We need someone strong and mean..." she suggested. We all immediately caught on.

"No way! If we wake him up, he'll kill us!" DJ reminded us.

"No, Courtney's right, we need his fierceness to win!" Harold agreed.

"That's the spirit! Now go way him up. She demanded.

"No way! I don't wanna die!" Harold retorted. We all decided to use a really long stick to poke him awake. It was working well for awhile, but then it got stuck up his nose and he snapped it in half.

"You better have a real good reason for waking me up," Duncan said through gritted teeth.

"Look," I started. "We're down 2-0. We need you to do this for us. Please," I begged. I was not about to go back to that campfire without a fight.

"Oh yeah, and why should I help you, darling?" He shot back.

"You don't want to go back to elimination, do you? Now help us out!" I practically screamed at him. I was way over his attitude today.

"Fine, but you all do what I say, when I say it. We're gonna do something I picked up in juvie. It's called 'rushing the new guy.'" On top of Duncan's orders, Courtney decided to make Harold sit out. Before we started our new strategy, Duncan whispered "I'm only doing this for you." I wasn't expecting that from him and struggled to contain the blush that spread across my face.

We did as Duncan said and ended up winning the next two games. We knew we needed something special to win the tie-breaker.

"Who's going in?" Duncan asked.

"I think it's my turn!" Harold announced.

"No way! We're winning! You're staying on the side!" Courtney told him. We decided to put in Geoff and started the game.


The round seemed to last forever until Geoff got out and gave Harold the ball. He hopefully got onto the field.

"Not so fast. Back of the court, princess," Duncan told him.

Soon, it was down to just Harold and Owen. "Goodnight, Harold," I heard Duncan mumble.

After Harold dodged some serious balls, Courtney called a timeout so we could hype him up and talk strategy. "To do this, you can't just dodge. You have to either throw him out, or catch his ball," she explained.

Soon after, he was back on the court facing Owen. After an intense couple of minutes, Owen threw a ball so hard it knocked Harold into the glass wall. We all thought we lost, but then Harold held up the ball!
We all cheered, the impossible WAS done.

Without thinking, I hugged Duncan as the joy came over me. I immediately let go once I came to me senses.

"What was that for?" he asked, looking at me in confusion. Unlike normally, I didn't feel intimidated by his stare.

"Sorry, I don't know what came over me. Uh, thanks for helping us win the challenge," I replied as smoothly as I could.

"No problem" he smiled and held my gaze for a moment, before turning to converse with the others.

"The Killer Bass win!" Chris announced. We all celebrated with each other and peacefully walked back to camp, ready to get some sleep while the other team went to elimination. Later, we learned the votes out Noah.

"Hey, that was a good strategy you thought of. Who knew they'd teach such random skills in juvie," I told Duncan before we went inside our bunks.

"Yeah. Nice playing. You got a real arm on you," he replied.

"Goodnight, Duncan."

"Night, (Y/n)."

That night, I dreamt of how even though Duncan is pretty tough, there's always a part of him that cares.

This chapter was written in collaboration with my #1 fan. You know who you are :)

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