Natural Survival

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(Y/n)'s POV

The next day, we woke up to Chris telling us it was time for another challenge, as usual. Today, we were told, our teams would each have to survive a night in the woods. All we were given to find our campsites was a compass and a map. Of course, Courtney took those straight away because, you guessed it, she's "a C.I.T.!" and none of us could ever be as qualified as her. We were told by Chris to watch out for bears and to be the first team back in the morning for breakfast to win, and with that, we were off. "Hey (y/n)," Duncan started. "Is it cool if I walk with you?"

"Sure!" I replied as eagerly as I could. I didn't want him to know I was starting to get nervous around him. As Courtney led the way, we were able to lag behind a little bit and talk about anything we wanted. Conversation between us seemed to flow so easily and I thanked whatever God was above for it. It had been so long since I found someone, especially a guy to talk this freely with. We finally arrived at the campsite where our tent was waiting and got to work constructing it. Geoff and Bridgette took care of that while DJ and I went to get some firewood. Katie and Sadie were somewhere, we just weren't sure where.

"Hey, (y/n), you gotta sec?" DJ asked while we started our search for suitable wood. 

"Sure, what's up?" I replied. 

"Ok, between you and me, and I promise that, what is going on between you and Duncan?! I mean, please tell me I'm not making things up! You guys look like you're starting to fall in love with one another, you know?" My jaw practically fell to the floor. I didn't think I was being that obvious about my feelings. And we both looked like that? No way. This "love," if you could even call it that was definitely unrequited. Instead of coming to terms with whatever feelings I had, I chose to do what I do best, lie. 

"I don't know what you mean, DJ. I don't look at him any different than I do you and he definitely doesn't look at me that way. If anything, we're just best friends here at camp, but I don't think it'd flourish in the real world. In a place like this, you gotta find who you most relate to, you know? Sorry that we confused you."

"Oh! It's obviously no trouble at all! I should be the one apologizing for questioning you and assuming things!" 

"I appreciate that, DJ, and all is forgiven, don't worry. Now let's find some wood!" 

(Duncan's POV)

(Y/n) and DJ just left to find some firewood and I find myself missing them like crazy. I didn't want to be stuck here with Courtney, but I knew if I went instead of DJ, people would start to get suspicious of me and how I felt toward (y/n). I decided to poke some fun at Courtney to get her back for being annoying all day every day. "Hey, woman, what's for dinner? I'm starving!" I said with a chuckle. Sure, was it problematic? Absolutely. Did I care at the moment? No! Absolutely not!

"Is that supposed to flatter me and make me work faster?" Courtney responded. Before I could get another snarky remark in, DJ and (y/n) returned. Thank God, I thought to myself.

"Hey guys, look at my new friend!" DJ exclaimed. In his arms was a bunny that let the biggest smoker cough I had ever heard.

"Nice, I've never had rabbit stew before. I'm sure it'll be great," I said. He couldn't possibly want to keep the thing, right?

"No way man! I'm keeping him and naming him Bunny!" I stand corrected.

"In other news, firewood!" (y/n) announced. I turned my attention to them and smiled. At least I had them to get through this hunger.


After the campfire was lit, I decided to spice things up by telling a scary story. I told the story of a made-up guy and his bloody hook. 

"...and rumor has it, he still walks these woods to this day. You never know, he could be right HERE!" I yelled as I pulled out the hook I always carry with me. Everyone had a good scare, but (y/n) seemed especially shaken up, jumping into my body. 

"Oh, uh, sorry guys. I'm just a little jumpy, that's all. I'm gonna go get some water," they said before running away. Did I really scare them so bad that they didn't want to be near me anymore? 

"Nice going, bird brain, you scared the nicest one on our team. You know, you're so vile! Do your parents even love you?" Courtney practically screamed at me. I didn't realize she felt so strongly about this. 

"HEY!" I heard before I could respond. We all turned around to see (y/n) storming up to us. "DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HE'S BEEN THROUGH!" My heart practically skipped a beat. No one had ever stood up for me before and I felt extremely touched. 

"(Y/n), I promise, you don't have to do this. It was all in good fun-" I tried to say before I was cut off. 

"But it wasn't, Duncan! Can't you see! She, just like everyone else has had it out for you from day one! Open your eyes! I'm sick of seeing you being treated like this!" they screamed at me. I didn't know what to do, so I just looked down. 

"(Y/n), I'm sorry, I didn't-" Courtney tried, but they weren't having it. 

"But you did! Courtney, I know you're qualified and better than us, okay? You're allowed to be proud, but you have to stop picking on him and laughing at him when he's not around, okay?" 

"Ok. I'm sorry Duncan, I really am. Thank you for putting me in my place, (y/n). Let's just focus on keeping this fire going, okay?" And with that, we all agreed to move on and forget anything had happened. I felt bad about myself. I could protect myself and take a joke. I didn't need someone to protect me. I stayed silent for a long time after that. 

Juvenile Love: Duncan x Reader (a Total Drama love story)Where stories live. Discover now