The Talent Show

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(Y/n) POV

I woke up the next morning feeling more rested than I had all summer. It was a weird dream, but a comforting one at that. Duncan was showing his true, considerate self. He was being quite the gentleman. He opened the door for me, paid for a meal, even got me flowers! I was reliving everything until I was interrupted.
"Alright, campers! No more sleeping! Come show us what you're made of!" Chris announced over the loud speaker. With a groan, I got up and got ready for whatever strange challenge he was going to put us through next.


We arrived at the amphitheater and sat on our team sides. Chris announced we had eight hours to pick our team's three most talented campers for a talent show. Duncan lit up at the instructions and I felt my heart flutter.
"You can sing, dance, whatever! As long as it's legal," Chris said, glaring at Duncan, who shrunk back down in his seat. There goes one eligible member. He finished by telling us Chef would be grading us, which made me nervous. Chef and I didn't have the best relationship, and if for some reason I was picked, it probably wasn't going to end well.
Sadie and Katie were the first to "audition" to the team. They did a synchronized dance. It wasn't anything special. Tyler tried showing us his yo-yo tricks, only to get tangled up in the string. DJ went next, showing his ribbon baton skills, and I was instantly impressed. When he was done, we all applauded, earning an eye-roll from Courtney.
"Fine I guess he's in. Who's next?" She asked. Bridgette said she could stand on her hands for 20 minutes, but we didn't feel like sitting around to see. Harold went up, took a deep breath, and immediately got rejected. Jeff showed off his skateboard skills and we were all impressed.
"Well, I guess it's Jeff's skateboarding, DJ's ribbon baton, and your solo," Bridgette told Courtney.


While Courtney was practicing her violin, DJ, Jeff, Harold, Tyler, Duncan and I bet Bridgette she couldn't actually stand on her hands for 20 minutes. When she accepted the challenge, we put our respective materials in a pile. "20 minutes starting... now!" Bridgette announced. All was going good until she got her ankle tangled in some rope. Before I knew it, a light was falling, Courtney had a broken violin, and worst of all, she seemed to have a concussion. Great. Now we didn't have a third act.
"Courtney, it's going to be okay," I tried consoling her but I was met with more tears. This girl had a serious attachment to that instrument that I wasn't about to question.
"Look, I know I'm not as good as a violin, but I can do this!" Bridgette urged while snacking on some chips. Courtney just nodded in approval, too upset to say anything.


Duncan POV

"Welcome to the TDI Talent Extravaganza!" Chris yelled into the mic. "Today, six campers will show off their mad skills and be rated by our Chef-o-meter! First up, Justin from the Screaming Gophers!" All his talent—if you could even call it that—was was him being "hot." Even though the whole camp was watching him flaunt whatever beauty they thought he had, my eyes kept drifting to (Y/n) every so often. The funny thing was, sometimes their eyes would meet mine, meaning I wasn't alone in thinking Justin wasn't the hottest at camp, or so I hoped.
"First from the Killer Bass, DJ!" Chris announced. I was really hoping this would go good. No offense to my team, but we really didn't have what it was going to take to win this. Our talents were most likely nothing compared to the Gopher's. If only they'd let me do my trick, but noooo, apparently carving my own skull into a tree is "illegal." Whatever. DJ ended up getting tangled in his ribbon, allowing the Screaming Gophers to pull ahead. Great. Just great.
"Next, we have Trent!"
"This one goes out to someone special," he said. He then went on to sing a song he wrote to Gwen. I immediately felt jealous, but only because I wish I had thought of that for (Y/n)! Wait, what was I thinking?! Maybe they didn't feel the same way. Was this being creepy? Come on, Duncan! Snap out of it! While I was having a mini breakdown, Trent finished his song and earned a decent grade from Chef.
"Let's give it up for Bridgette!" She came out and had a promising start, until she started vomiting everywhere. She even got it on people in the audience, barely missing (Y/n) and I.
"Clean up on isle 3, 4, 5, and 6! We're gonna take a short break..." Chris announced. Bridgette was noticeably upset.
"Hey, Bridgette, don't worry about it. You gave it your best," (Y/n) said in a comforting tone, making me have to actively stop myself from smiling. I would've done something similar, but she was covered in vomit and I really didn't want to be near her.
"Ok! We're back! Surprisingly, Bridgette got two thumbs up, but that's not enough to win! Here's Heather!" She came out with a black notebook and announced she'd be reading from Gwen's diary. Low blow.
"We're down to the final act! Here's Jeff and his stunts!" Immediately, I mean I can't stress enough how quickly this happened, he broke his board.
"What are we going to do now?!" Courtney panicked. "We have to send someone in!" After some deliberating, we decided on Harold. I personally was just hoping the kid wouldn't embarrass himself. He ended giving this sick beat boxing performance. Who knew he had that in him?
"And the Killer Bass win! Screaming Gophers, I'll see you tonight!"


"Well, I would've loved to see you carve your own skull into a tree. Too bad they deemed it illegal. Who knew?" (Y/n) joked with me on our way back to camp. I couldn't help but laugh. Not because I liked them, because it was ridiculous calling that illegal.
"Seriously! I probably would've carved something else if they asked me to. I guess they didn't want to trust me," I replied. I then overheard from one of Chris' unpaid interns that Justin went home. I smiled, realizing that everyone will finally see that Justin wasn't the hottest at camp.
"What're you smiling about?" (Y/n) asked.
"Oh, nothing. Just glad we survived another challenge."
"Okay. Goodnight Duncan."
"Night." This person had me wrapped around their finger, and I was scared they were starting the realize.

Juvenile Love: Duncan x Reader (a Total Drama love story)Where stories live. Discover now