The First Challenge

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Alright! Killer Bass, you guys are up first!" I hear Chris announce. After the first couple  of people dived off, it was my turn. DJ had already earned a chicken hat from refusing to jump and I definitely didn't want to join him. I walked over to the edge and looked at the landing site. Was it high? Sure, but it didn't look that bad. Then I remembered that there were creatures below that apparently weren't happy with Chris, and that's when the nerves started. Could this be the moment I die? I stood there for a moment before I heard Duncan yell something.

"Hey, your majesty! Get on with it, would you? We have a challenge to win!" He said. I just shot him a glare back and took a deep breath. I got a running start before jumping off the cliff before letting out the most blood curdling scream I ever have. Luckily, I made it into the safe zone and swam to shore. I looked up at the top of the cliff and saw the rest of the team cheering for me. I then saw Duncan gearing up to jump. I saw him jump and make his way down without a single noise escaping from his mouth. I just watched in awe. There's no way someone could be that tough, right?

"Wow. Not a single noise. I'm honestly impressed," I told him. Sure, I could be nasty toward him, but if we really were going to try and get along, for the sake of the team, I figured I might as well share my admiration with him.

"What can I say? I have experience jumping from tall things. You, on the other hand, impressed me with how loud that scream was. I'm sure people in Alaska could hear you," he replied. I admit, I had to laugh at how much he exaggerated. He laughed along and we went to stand with the rest of our team.

The only other person that didn't jump was Courtney, claiming she had a "medical condition" and that she calculated how many people on the Screaming Gophers would skip and promised we were fine. I just rolled my eyes at that. She keeps telling us all she's a CIT and that she knows what she's talking about, but seriously? There's no way to predict something like that. I let it go, though. I didn't want someone on my team to hate me already. I wasn't even fully sure if Duncan liked me yet, anyway.

The Screaming Gophers went and ended up winning the wagons when only Beth the Girl Scout decided not to jump. Great, now we get to lag behind and waste all out energy carrying these stupid boxes. At some point in all of this, Courtney manages to get stung in the eye by a bug and Katy and Izzy switched places so the former and Sadie could be reunited, only for the both of them to sit on poison ivy and hold us back even more. I didn't even care about anyone else at this point. I just wanted to win and spend the night in our hot tub.


Once we finally got back to camp, we saw the Screaming Gophers were making good progress. Before we could even start opening our boxes, Courtney decided she was going to be team leader because, you guessed it, she was a CIT and apparently had experience. Yeah, I didn't believe that one either.

"You really have what it takes, cyclops?" Duncan asked. I had to turn away so she didn't see me laugh. That was super rude but incredibly deserved.

"Well, do you have a better idea?! Get to building!" she retorted. I just gave in and started to build with whatever materials and tools I could get my hands on.


"Annnndddd....that's time! Let's see what you got, campers!" Chris announced. He first judged the Screaming Gophers' tub and deemed it perfection. That's when I started to get nervous. Due to us getting back so late, ours was literally taped together and definitely was about to explode. Chris didn't even need to try and observe it. He announced the Screaming Gophers won and my heart sank. Great. Just great. Now we have to vote someone out and get even weaker.

We all went to the dining hall to have dinner and my team started discussing the best plan. "Well, I think we should either do Princess or Brick House," Duncan suggested, pointing to Courtney and DJ. "Both of them refused to jump, but I say we have better odds at winning if we keep DJ."

"What?! How is that fair?! I'm a—" Courtney started but I immediately cut her off. I just couldn't take it anymore.

"We get it! You're a CIT! If you don't want us to vote you off, then who do you suggest?!" I practically yelled at her. She was really starting to get on my nerves.

"I just don't get why we lost, ey? I mean, the other team has more girls," Ezekiel added, making everyone stop and stare at him.

"What was that?" Bridgette the surfer girl asked through gritted teeth.

"You know, because guys and stronger than girls, shouldn't the team with more guys win? Especially on a challenge like this. My dad told me to look out for girls in this competition and help them if they needed it," he responded. I felt my blood boil.

"Oh yeah?! You think that now?!" Eva responded, getting up to strangle him.

"Woah! Everyone calm down! At least he's not one of those freaks who thinks guys and smarter, right?" Geoff added, clearly only trying to make sure Eva didn't kill the scrawny boy.

"Oh, no. I definitely do," Ezekiel answered. We all just stared at him.

"Yeah, I don't need to hear anything else. I think I know who I'm voting for," I stated before walking off to put my dish away. If looks could kill, I think every single girl on our team could make his head explode. I also wasn't going to stand for it. These girls took me in and let me stay with them, the least I could do was show them basic respect, unlike Ezekiel.

Chris announced we needed to head to the campfire to vote and I was more than ready.  Sorry, Ezekiel, but something tells me you're not sleeping in your bunk tonight.

Juvenile Love: Duncan x Reader (a Total Drama love story)Where stories live. Discover now