Vacation World.9 Z-1

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Vacation World.9 Z-1


He Ming did not dare go inside the room where Shu Yin had been dazing on for hours while looking at the man on the bed with unknown thoughts.

He also did not dare to take a step back after already being there, he was still carrying the bowl of porridge in his hands that Shu Yin asked.

Ever since they left the rooftop, Shu Yin quickly found a place to settle.

Shu Yin carried Zhao Liang inside the room and closed the door not taking a step out even when the sun was almost about to set.

He Ming stood outside not knowing what to do.


Shu Yin watches with bathed breath at the man slowly regaining his consciousness on the bed.

He was afraid that if he were to breathe out loud, he would disappear like a smoke in front of him.

Shu Yin could still not believe it.

After so many years, even when asking the System, he was not able to meet him.

But now, he's.... just an arm's reach.

"Who are you? Where am I?"

Zhao Liang noticed the man wrap like a mummy the moment he woke up.

He thought that it was a new type of Zombie and almost moved his body to attack when he suddenly remembered that he was saved by a man dress as a mummy.

Shu Yin looks at him in a daze.


His mouth opened but quickly closes.

Shu Yin repeated these actions many times but he could not say what he wanted to say to him looking into those guarded eyes of his.

"I'm Xin Ye! Remember me? I'm your Xin Ye!" Shu Yin can't possibly say that to him!

Other than he may not believe him, he does not sound or look like his previous body. Besides that, he was already dead so how can he still be alive?

Even if he was a Zombie, he should not be able to remember anything prior to his death. Even if he was trying to make him believe, he must look the part.

But at the moment, he looks like a con man trying to con a very smart baby!

"My name is Shu Yin."

For now, he must first make Zhao Liang trust him before he told him his identity.

When the time comes that he finally trusts him and he confesses, the probability that he will believe him is at 99.99%!

Zhao Liang intently watches the silent man in front of him.

Even though he had saved him, he does not entirely trust him yet since the other had no reason to save him, he is wary about him.

"I'm Zhao—Zhang He. Thank you for helping me, Mr. Yin."

Shu Yin stared at Zhao Liang who introduced himself as Zhang He with a frown, if not for the bandages his expression could have been read.

It's really to see just how much the current Zhao Liang does not trust him.

"It's no trouble. I just saw that you need help and do not look like a person a bad person, seeing a good man in distress, its only right to give a helping hand."

"In this ruined world, no one would be as kind as you Mr. Yin. Thank you again for saving me." Zhao Liang politely said.

"No need for thanks between us. Also, just call me Shu Yin, the Mr. part is too much making me seem older."

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