Vacation World.12 Z-1

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Vacation World.12 Z-1

"........." – Zhao Liang


He Ming looks at the two in the backseat in worry and embarrassment at the same time.

"Will they be alright?"

He Ming look at Xiao Chun who cast a glance at him.

"Don't worry too much. It's just a phase. They will get over it soon." Xiao Chun messed He Ming's hair.

"I hope so."

He Ming nod his head and looked down feeling his cheeks heat up seeing the gentle eyes Xiao Chun is giving him and his soft smile that just tug at his heartstrings at the same time.

">/////<" This is really too much for a half-breed like him!!!!!!


".........." Shu Yin could not help but envy the two who had already settled down their own love story while he was still struggling with his own.

Looking at the turned back of his beloved, Shu Yin can't help but sigh in worry.

Shu Yin and Zhao Liang had been sitting so far apart ever since that incident that night.

Each person was looking out of the window acting as if the other person does not exist even though all that was inside their head was of that time.

Shu Yin kept his distance from Zhao Liang knowing that the other was uncomfortable with him which made him cold and unapproachable worsening the matter.

Zhao Liang on the other hand, was so ashamed that he did not have the face-to-face Shu Yin.

Also, it looks like what happened the other night made him uncomfortable seeing how much he was avoiding him.

He can only give him space and get over it.

But what happened that night help him get over the suspicion he had about Shu Yin and his group being a bunch of evolved Zombies that had gained consciousness and were disguising themselves as humans.

Zhao Liang could still remember that when Shu Yin accidentally pressed on him when his little brother was waving his flag, he also felt Shu Yin's little brother about to raise his flag also.

If he was a Zombie, he should have not been able to lift it up.

"...he lift it. Ugh! What am I thinking!"

Zhao Liang hit his head on the backseat in front of him hard, his face was especially red.

"Uhm. Mr. Zhao, if you don't mind, can you stop hitting the back of my seat? I'm driving." Xiao Chun kindly reminded.

"I'm sorry. I did not mean to."

Zhao Liang felt so ashamed that he quickly stop what he was doing and turn his face outside the window for a change of pace only to hit his head on the car window.


Zhao Liang held his head with an expressionless look on his face.

Seeing this scene, Shu Yin could not bare to avoid the man who was always on his mind and in his heart.

"Are you alright? Let me see."

Shu Yin scoot closer to Zhao Liang and held his face, he looks at his forehead and blew on the area that turned red.

"Pain, pain, go away. It doesn't hurt anymore."

Zhao Liang looked at Shu Yin dumbfounded.

"I'm not a kid."

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