Arc 2.12 Zu Tian

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Arc 2.12 Zu Tian

"Where is Zu- the Emperor?"

It had been a week and two since that day, Zu Tian and Feng Niao's relationship had gotten colder by each day.

It would be a lie if Feng Niao said he hadn't regretted what happened that day.

If only, he did not believe what Chen Mo said and brought Zu Tian to that place then he wouldn't have gotten injured and their relationship would have not become this cold.

"General Feng?!"

"Chen Mo, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to meet the Emperor but it seems that he is busy. But you're here so it's perfect. I have an order for you, let me meet the Emperor during the hunt."

"Are you going to harm him?" Feng Niao warily said.

"Harm? Him? Don't be silly. If I harm the Emperor, do you think I'll make it out of here alive?" Chen Mo laughed as if it was the funniest joke he had ever heard.

"Then why do you want to see the Emperor?"

"I just want to talk to the Emperor concerning our Empire. Really, believe me, were just talking. Even if not for me,  do it for father emperor."

Mentioning the old emperor, Feng Niao wavered a bit. He bit his mouth in hesitance.

"Feng Niao, can't you at least do it for Father?" Chen Mo frowned seeing him hesitating.

After a while of persuading, Feng Niao finally surrendered and agreed.

"Great! I knew you will not let father emperor down. So, all you have to do is...."

Remembering those memories, Feng Niao could only describe himself as stupid for believing Chen Mo's words.

How could he forget how sly his brother is and how cruel he could get just to get what he wants.

Now, not only did he ruin the relationship he and Zu Tian have he will even die because of his stupidity.

Though he hadn't actually betrayed Zu Tian, the other doesn't know that. What he knew is that he actually betrayed him and is now waiting for his death day.

Yes, after Zu Tian dealt with the assasins he finally sentenced Feng Niao to a death sentence for betraying him.

Luckily, looking back to their past relationship Zu Tian promised that he wouldn't do anything to his countrymen due to his betrayal.

It really hurt being treated coldly by the man that he loves but what can he do when he was the one who destroyed their relationship by his own hands.

He could have denied it when the assasins came for them but he knows that he can't fully deny the accusation because those assasins that came were his own men that he had left behind when he left his own country.

He didn't know why they were there but he knows that the sin would be on his hand just by having his men there assassinating the Emperor.

He, the Great General who had conquered and fought many battles is finally coming to an end by the very hands of the man that he loves.

And due to his idiocy, he was pushed into a trap by his very own brother and was framed to have his beloved killed.

"I apologize General, but the Emperor is busy these days."

"Is that so?"

Hearing the word busy, Feng Niao already know what the middle age palace maid was saying.

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