Vacation World.18 Z-1

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Vacation World.18 Z-1

"What happened to Mr. Zhang?"

The moment Shu Yin entered the house where they rested, Shu Yin quickly brought Zhao Liang inside his room and lock the door behind them.

He Ming who can smell the strong smell of blood over Zhao Liang choked on his breath and lost his ability to speak.


Tears ran down He Ming's face as he watch the closed door in front of him.

Xiao Chun who knew that He Ming was blaming himself for what happened to Zhao Liang could only pull him in a hug and comfort him.

He pulled He Ming to the other side and let him cry his heart out.

Meanwhile, Shu Yin was tending to Zhao Liang's wounds.

His expression looks so lost and painful as he wipes the blood off Zhao Liang's body.

Looking at the missing chunks of flesh on him and a few deep cuts, Shu Yin grimaced at the thought of what if he did not arrive there on time and let suffer Zhao Liang suffer humiliation and die of blood loss, what would he feel or do then?

Zhao Liang noticed Shu Yin's daze expression while helping him.

Remembering his scars and his current ugly appearance, Zhao Liang felt so small and wanted to hide from Shu Yin's prying eyes.

Noticing his small movements, Shu Yin quickly stops him.

"What are you doing?"

Shu Yin gently grips Zhao Liang's hand.

"I..." Zhao Liang trailed off not knowing what to say.

"Are you feeling so painful right now? Where tell me."

Shu Yin felt so worried that he slowly blow on Zhao Liang's wound as if doing so could help alleviate his pain.

Seeing Shu Yin do this made Zhao Liang even more embarrassed.

"Xin-Shu Yin, you don't need to do that."

Zhao Liang panicked and pushed Shu Yin's face away.

Shu Yin tilts his head in confusion.

"What is wrong with you? Are you hurting or feeling uncomfortable somewhere? You can tell me anything, I will be here for you."

Shu Yin tried his best to comfort Zhao Liang but it seems that the more he does, the more uncomfortable Zhao Liang seemed which he noticed.

"A'Li, do you mind that I'm a zombie? Do you fear being infected by me? If that is what you fear about, you don't have to. I have checked and you seemed to be immune against the virus so you don't have to worry about being infected." Shu Yin reassured.


Shu Yin noticed Zhao Liang's uncomfortable expression when he held his hand and he seemed to want to shake him off.

"A'Li, are you disgusted with me?" Shu Yin could not help but ask.

Hearing Shu Yin's words, Zhao Liang's soul almost flew on its own and he quickly denied the accusations.

"No! I'm not. It's not that, I just, just...." Zhao Liang looks down.

"Just what? A'Li, if you don't want me you can just tell me and I will not appear in front of you again." Shu Yin jest but Zhao Liang took it to heart.

"No! You can't leave me! You can't definitely leave me alone! NO!" Zhao Liang yelled at him.

Shu Yin look at him in shock being yelled at by him for the first time.

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