Arc 6.18 Zu Yin

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Arc 6.18 Zu Yin

"Wahhh! Wahhh!"

"The baby is crying again. This little prince is really so energetic just like the Prince when he was young."

Nanny Chen carried around the crying bundle. 

Ever since the child was born, Nanny Chen who also raised Zu Yin became the Nanny of the little prince and had bothered her every time he cried.

Nanny Chen loved the young prince no matter how hard it was to take care of him and how energetic he was whenever he was crying.


"Young prince, why are you crying?"


"Are you hungry again my little prince? Or do you feel uncomfortable somewhere?"

Nanny Chen had already fed the prince and even played with him, she even rocked him to sleep but the little prince would not stop crying.

"Do you miss your Father?"

Nanny Chen rocks the little prince in her arms hoping to comfort the little bundle in her arms.

"Wang Ye misses your father too..."

Nanny Chen wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Ever since that day, Wang Ye has changed. But no one can blame Wang Ye, that day was like a thorn in his heart. So deep that it must still be hurting."


"Oh, you're not crying anymore?"

"Babble." Little Prince babbled.

"Hehe. Such a good child. Your Father would be happy if he could see you now."

Nanny Chen rocks the little prince in her arms once again, letting him go back to sleep.

"Master, you should take a rest now. You have not been sleeping these past few days." Shen worriedly looks at Zu Yin.

"I'm fine." Zu Yin said without looking at Shen.

It's been days since he was trying to fill his head with work that he had not even taken a nap once. 

He was trying to busy himself to stop himself from thinking, thinking about Hua Yun.

Every time he thinks about him, his heart aches, and thinking about him would once again make him drown in sadness. 

So, he drowned himself to work so as to not think of him or he would most likely lose his mind.

Only when he is working like this, his mind and body busy, he will keep himself from thinking about him.

Shen who was by his Master's side this whole time was a witness to the pain and suffering his Master was feeling. 

He was so worried about Zu Yin, that he had been drowning himself in work and work that he almost became a workaholic just as to not think about Master Hua.

Shen wanted to stop him but he knew just how much Zu Yin took what happened between him and Master Hua to heart that he could only keep his mouth shut when he was about to say something in fear that he would make Zu Yin more sad.

The only thing Shen could do was to be by Zu Yin's side to not make him feel lonely, to make him feel that he was not alone.

Zu Yin works from morning to night.

He almost would not even eat if not for Dudu who sent him food to eat. 

Despite the busy schedule, Zu Yin was forced to eat by both Dudu and Shen.

It was already nighttime by the time Zu Yin finished his work. The full moon outside his window was shining so brightly that it illuminated even the darkest corners of Zu Yin's study.

Looking out the window, Zu Yin could not help but stare at the round moon that was hanging above the sky.

No matter how many worlds he goes to or no matter how many seasons change, that moon still hangs there in the sky as if it were watching him go against his fate.

Zu Yin could not help but lament when everything would end and when he could finally be happy without fearing for the future and losing the person he most loved.

"Wang Ye, Nanny Chen said that the little prince had already gone to sleep after crying so much for the day. She said you can come now." Shen hid the smile on his face.

"Really? That brat is finally asleep?"

Zu Yin dropped his brush when he heard that the little Prince was asleep. 

He quickly stood up and raced down the hallways as if his life depended on it, he was beaming.

"Wang Ye, please slow down."

Shen screamed after Zu Yin. 

He shook his head seeing his Grand Prince dash down the hallway to his room.

Zu Yin quickly ran down the halls in anticipation. 

He was so quick on his feet that he arrived at his destination within a minute, his heart palpitating as he closed into his room.

His steps also slow down, from face strides into small silent steps, he stops in front of his room to catch his breath.

Putting his hand on the door, he breathed in and out before slowly sliding the door open.

The very moment he came inside, he could feel the change in temperature, it was a bit chilly when he was still outside but when he went inside the room the temperature became warm.

His eyes wandered around as if looking for something.

"Wang Ye."

Nanny Chen smiled at Zu Yin. 

She carried the sleeping little prince in her arms, who was deeply asleep after crying so much.

"Take care of him for me, Nanny Chen."

Zu Yin stroked the little bundle with a smile in his eyes despite his cold appearance. 

Nanny Chen smiled.

"This servant will, Wang Ye."

Nanny Chen quickly left and left Zu Yin on his own.

Zu Yin wandered his eyes inside the room. 

The cold breeze outside the window swept the room like a tornado giving chills to the bone, the candle lights flickered before it went off.

The room was swept in darkness when the lights went off but because of the full moon, the little corners of the room were lit as bright as day.

And a silhouette as if transparent was sitting by the window, his face covered by the swaying curtain being blown by the wind.

"Wang Ye..."


An update!!
It's been a while been busy and lazy 🦥

I'm so tired 😴
Almost out of stock 📚
Still hadn't written more ✏️
I'm so done ⚰️
I'm so lazy 🦥

Anyway, good day to you all and have a good time 😂

3njoy ⭐ 🥳

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