Arc 6.6 Zu Yin

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Arc 6.6 Zu Yin

"Is this how the servants of this Prince's Manor act, like a deranged and lustful dog? Get away from him before I separate your head from your body myself!"

Zu Yin's body let out a dangerous aura, his voice authoritative. 

As an SSS-grade royal-blooded Alpha, Zu Yin could scare anyone just by looking at them much less when he leaks out a bit of his authority as an Alpha which could make anyone pee in their pants.

Feeling the dangerous vibe leaking out from Zu Yin, the subordinate Alphas whimpered and surrendered under his authority. 

They did not dare make any sound as Zu Yin swept his eyes on them in fear that heads would be flying.

The Betas who could somehow feel the Alpha's authority could not help but also shiver in fear but nonetheless they were able to remain standing, unlike the Alphas who were kissing the ground.

"You, bring him to the other room to rest and give him medication to make his pheromones calm down."

"As you command, my Prince."

The Beta who was eyed by Zu Yin quickly carried the Omega in heat and took him away to calm him.

"As for you all...."

Zu Yin coldly swept his eyes.

"Punish yourself by getting caned sixty-three times. That should calm you all down."

The Alphas shivered in fear being gazed at by Zu Yin, his gaze was so cold that it sent chills down their spine, but still did as they were told.

"As you command, my Prince."

Zu Yin stared at them and walked away, but before he left, he looked at them one last time.

"No more next time."

The Omega whose name was Dudu was kneeling in front of Zu Yin, he had finally calmed down and was then summoned for an audience.

Dudu was shaking from fear bowing his head as low as possible not looking even at Zu Yin's shoes afraid that his head would fly after the thing that just happened before.

He did not expect that he would go on heat as he was trying to ask for help for his Master and causing trouble for the Grand Prince at that.

Zu Yin finally put down the report in his hand and stared at Dudu, his eyes were cold.

"Wang Ye, this servant does not deserve to be forgiven after what this servant had done to cause trouble for the prince, but this servant begs Wang Ye to please listen to this servant before you kill this servant!" Dudu said in one go without breathing in between.

"..." Zu Yin felt like a tyrant King after what Dudu said.

"Wang Ye, please have it in your heart to forgive this servant's wrongdoing and not kill an innocent life. Than killing him, sending him to hard labor would be punishment enough for him."

Shen who was stiffly standing beside Zu Yin also bent his "golden" waist and back to plead for Dudu who was crying on his knees and even had mucus hanging off his nose.

Zu Yin really does not know what Shen had seen in Dudu which made him like him.

Zu Yin is not so interested as to make the life of this couple hard, so he did not tease them and just forgives Dudu for the love of Shen.

"This Prince knows that it is not the servant's fault, this Prince will not punish you."

"Thank you, Wang Ye."

"Thank You, Wang Ye!"

The two of them thanked Zu Yin at the same. 

They were grateful that Zu Yin did not make it hard for them and just let the incident pass, doing so, Zu Yin gained Dudu's admiration and Shen's utmost loyalty even more so.

"This Prince called you here to ask you why you wanted to meet this Prince earlier. This Prince heard that your Master Hua is..."

Knowing that Zu Yin wanted to know about what happened to his Master, Dudu did not waste any more words and quickly said what he longed wanted to say to Zu Yin ever since he stepped foot in his residence.

"Wang Ye, please save my Master. He is ill and if not cured, he will die!" Dudu quickly said worried about his Master.

"Have you not called a physician?" Zu Yin asked.

"W-Wang Ye, Master he..."

Dudu sobbed loudly as if he did not know if he should tell Zu Yin or not. 

Seeing him crying as if someone had died made Zu Yin's forehead throb even more.

"Speak. No matter what happened to your Master, this prince shall give you justice." Zu Yin spoke sternly.

"Huhu. Wang Ye, my Master, he, he was imprisoned in the woodshed by the other concubines for a month now. The other concubines were jealous of Master because he was at most favored by Wang Ye before. When Wang Ye was gone to war, they bullied Master and then imprisoned Master in the woodshed to punish him. "

"They dare?!"

"Knowing that my Master lost favor with the prince because of what happened that day, they did not hesitate to hurt and smear dirty water at my Master. This servant is but a lowly servant and does not deserve to speak in the prince's presence, Wang Ye can chop this servant's head off from this servant's atrocious words, but this servant begs the Prince to save my Master. Please save Master Hua, please save him."

"What?!" Zu Yin angrily said.

"My Master is in nature weak, without eating or drinking for a few weeks now my Master was getting thinner and weaker. When this servant sneaks to take a peek at the Master, he is already at death's door! Huhuhu!" Dudu cried heartbreakingly.

'The fucktard Zu Yin only grounded him not wanting to kill him!'

[Host, go and save him! Now!]

The System who had been silent since the morning of that day suddenly jumped out and clamored to save Master Hua in a hurried voice.

[Host, save him! Hurry!]

'Shh! Even if you don't say so, I will go save him.'

Zu Yin stood up acting angrily.

"Lead this Prince to where those vicious wenches imprisoned Master Hua, Shen bring the imperial physician as fast as you can. Let's go!"

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