Chapter 3

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Rokiayah POV
When I awoke, I found myself wrapped in a blanket inside a Tipi. There was a fire going in the middle of the tipi and there were only two other people present besides me.

I thought this whole ordeal was a bad dream. No way falling from a cliff had caused me to go back in time. My body was shaking. I needed to calm down and assess the situation before I had a panic attack.

Thanks to the fire I was able to see the beams that supported the structure of the tipi. It was surrounded by a thick tarp that was interconnected to the beams; that all extended to the top, and out through the hole at the top. The tipi was immersed in the light of the fire, providing a warm and comfortable atmosphere.

Through a makeshift door, I peered outside realizing I had awoken around midday. There was light but it was accompanied by a faint darkness, and a soft breeze rustled the leaves causing them to move ever so slightly with the wind.

Beneath me, I felt a velvety soft animal rug. It was so comfortable that I hesitated to get up, but I knew that I needed to to get a grasp on my current situation.

Slowly and steadily I lifted my head drawing the rest of my body up with me. Until I was fully sitting up. I adjusted my eyes and recognized that one of the other individuals inside the tipi was Weayaya.

Standing directly in front of him there was a young woman who shared many of his features, albeit with a slimmer build. Her long coal-black hair that hung free shimmered in the firelight and her stunning facial features mirrored his, except for her eyes that sparkled a lighter brown in the firelight.

Holding my head, I let my voice fall out, getting both of their attention instantly. After staring at me for a moment they quickly rushed towards me. Startled by their sudden rush I moved as far back into the tipi as I could. Still holding my head in my hands as it was still pounding from the events of the past 2 days.

"Hello", the girl introduced herself, her voice soothing and soft, making me feel as if we were sisters. She met my gaze as she continued. "My name is Makawee, I'm Weayaya's sister". "He brought you here so that I could help you". Staring me straight in the eye as she spoke.

"You're currently resting in his hut". "I have taken care of your wounds while you were unconscious, but your clothes still need to be changed". "I will provide you with clothes once you've taken a bath".

Nodding, I glanced down at my disheveled appearance. I looked like I had been on the run. My white top was very dirty, but my shorts and shoes were the worst. My shorts were torn and caked with dirt. My new balance hiking shoes looked like they had seen better days. My brown skin was coated in dirt residue, and my nails looked like they had been playing in the dirt and were chipped very badly.

A warm bath sounded amazing right about now. But the question was how and where would I take one. As if reading my thoughts, Makawee said,

"We could bathe down at the creek". "There's a part of it that gets pretty warm and we use a cloth to wash our bodies". "I will lead you to the lake once you are ready".

Agreeing with her plan, I slowly got up, stretching my limbs. I could sense both of them watching and studying me, each with differing reasons. Once I felt prepared I got completely up and headed towards Makawee.

There was an unspoken communication happening between the siblings, concerning me. Following her out I was led towards a well-trodden path. As we were walking down the path I saw more tipis and curious eyes fixed upon me.

While I knew that they would be curious, I was just as curious. Questions swirled in my head just as they surely did in theirs about my appearance, clothes, hair, and origins.
It felt like a movie so I pinched myself to confirm my reality, as it did hurt. The whole situation grew increasingly strange, and I was on the verge of breaking down.

But what's the use of crying about something I couldn't change? I would just have to figure things out as I went along. Resigned to my circumstances I continued to follow Makawee until we reached the creek.

Once at the creek I cautiously removed my clothing only keeping my bra and panties on. The area was familiar and at the same time foreign. It looked just like where I had been staying for the other night. The only difference was that this was a creek and where I was staying was a lake.

Continuing in my observations I saw that there were more people at the creek than me and Makawee. Most of them were women and children, and suddenly I was so glad I had kept my bra and panties on. Because they were all stark naked.

Which I could understand because they all knew each other but me on the other hand I knew no one.

Plus if my mom saw me in the predicament I was in now she would tear my but up and say that's what you get for trying to be a hero. How I missed my mom. Tears started to well up in my eyes but I couldn't break now, not here anyway.

Slowly and cautiously I got into the water and decided to stay next to Makawee who handed me a cloth to wash myself with. Upon getting in the water it was pretty warm just like she said. Which I was glad for because it reminded me of home. Gently I ran the soft cloth over my skin making sure to get every crevice.

As I was washing, eyes lingered on me. Choosing not to pay attention as that would send my emotions into overdrive, and I had enough of that feeling for today and yesterday. Instead, I got out of the water, drying myself with the air and a towel that Makawee had provided me. I then put back on my clothes and exited the water. Allowing Makawee to lead me back to the Tipi. Both silent as we walked as we were each within our own thoughts and minds.

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