Chapter 12

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Weayaya's Perspective

I observed her closely while riding alongside her on horseback as she walked. Simultaneously, I kept a vigilant eye on our surroundings to ensure nothing caught us off guard during our search for the tribe's sustenance over the upcoming days and nights.

She remained deeply focused, her body tense, and her gaze sweeping the land. The dense forest was filled with overgrown bushes, towering trees, and a variety of vegetation. She took deliberate and cautious steps, akin to a seasoned hunter, carefully watching her footing. At times, she would lower herself as if she had discovered something, only to rise once more and continue her journey.

Indeed, she evoked memories of my own people in the way she connected with the land and conducted herself. She possessed strength yet also displayed delicacy, capable of leading and following, a warrior with a keen ear for listening. As she moved, it was as if she and the land were one, treating it as if it were a living, breathing being, a cherished entity.

This brought to mind the teachings of my people, who instilled in me the wisdom that, "In order to cultivate the land you must love, care, and respect it so that it brought forth its bounties. Conversely, to mistreat it with disdain, as if it were inconsequential to your existence, will render it barren and lifeless, yielding naught in return."

In that moment, as I fixed my gaze upon her, she had abruptly ceased in her movements, her eyes locked onto something ahead. So I reduced my horse's pace to a halt, then I descended from the saddle to obtain a clearer view of what had captured her attention.

A narrowing in the road had obstructed my line of sight, even while mounted, and I aimed to avoid startling whatever lay ahead. Stealthily, I dismounted the horse and approached Rokiayah drawing near until I could discern the source of her fascination that had momentarily halted her.

Just beneath us meandered a picturesque creek, beside which rested a mountain lion with her cub. Her eyes sparkled with evident delight, and it appeared that my own expression mirrored hers as they beheld this unexpected sight. As the mountain lion and her cub began their departure, me and Rokiayah commenced a descent towards the creek.

As we drew closer to the water's edge, I could practically see excitement illuminate her face, and she wasted no time in removing her shoes and dipping her feet into the refreshing stream. She was undeniably beautiful, a sight to behold

She dipped her feet into the stream one moment, and in the next, she was playfully kicking water at me. Naturally, I retaliated; I couldn't let her get away with it. A spirited water exchange ensued until we both had tired, and were breathing heavily taking a moment to catch our breath. As we stood there, eyes locked, not entirely dry, we both glanced at each other.

Rokiyah, was only standing at arm's length, away from me and was now studying me, anticipating my next move.With her gaze fixed on me I slowly approached her ensuring unbroken eye contact. Once we were so close that I could feel her body heat radiating off her body. I looked down at her.

Taking my time to appreciate every feature on her face. Gradually and unconsciously I started to raise my hand. Yearning to feel her skin against mine to see if it was really as smooth and soft as it looked. My heart was beating so loud that it was thrumming throughout my entire body.

As my hands and eyes studied and lightly traced every feature of her face.
In particular my interest lay on her eyes and lips. Her eyes were round, bright and piercing while her lips were thick, full and inviting. And before I could think about what I was doing my body responded to her pull and I began bending my head downward staring into her eyes. My lips were now hovering over hers.

There was a slight tremble that seemed to flow through her body and she felt even warmer than before.I could see her eyes drifting between my eyes and lips which only pulled me in more and just as I was about to fully kiss her she pushed me back gently but firmly.

"Let's continue the hunt," she said as she put back on her shoes and ascended to the top of the embankment.

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