Chapter 7

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Rokiyah POV

The journey back from the creek felt longer than the initial walk. There was an indisputable tension in the air, a noticeable feeling that she didn't want me around, despite her earlier kindness.

I suspected it was because her brother had coerced her into it. Nevertheless, I remained grateful, as the application of a salve had alleviated my pain and aided in the healing of my bruised limbs.

I tapped Makawee on the shoulder, prompting her to slowly turn to me with a clear expression of annoyance on her face. Still, I felt compelled to express my gratitude.

"I want to sincerely thank you for taking care of my wounds. I truly appreciate it," I said, mustering the most genuine look I could manage.

"I know I'm an outsider and a bit peculiar, but I am genuinely grateful for everything you and your brother have done."
She replied, "It was no trouble". "It was actually my brother's idea to bring you here, not mine".

"So if anyone deserves your gratitude, it's him"." If I had found you, the outcome would likely have been different."

Silence settled between us once more, and I refrained from responding, fearing that my emotions would overflow. The past two days had been overwhelming, and I had reached my limit.

But before I knew it, my emotions sprang forth. "Do you think I asked to be here?" I exclaimed. Makawee's eyes widened in shock. "No, I didn't. "All I wanted was to go on a simple hike and save someone's life". "But then I was entangled in this mess".

"So, I did what my father taught me—I found a way to survive". "And just when I thought I had found shelter, your brother scared me half to death with his impressive physique and handsome face," I thought to myself. "I tried to escape, but he pursued me relentlessly". "I knew within myself that he was trying to kill me'.

"Eventually, I confronted him, and he extended an offer of warmth, food, and safety." "I was hesitant, but he insisted." "I didn't ask him to do that, he did it on his own." "My entire family has been taken from me." "I know no one. I miss my parents, my siblings, my old life." "But now I'm trapped here, dealing with this unforeseen situation."

With that, I stormed off into the forest, my vision blurred by tears. I was not one to easily succumb to crying, but the weight of my emotions overwhelmed me. If I didn't release them now, I would never be able to move forward.

Finally finding a spot I liked, I huddled beside a tree and broke down. Tears stung my eyes, their heat matching the stuffiness in my nose. I must have appeared a disheveled mess. Amidst my sobbing, I heard the sound of approaching footsteps, and, readying myself for the worst, I assumed my defensive stance.

To my surprise, it was Makawee who appeared before me, her expression sober and apologetic. Unbeknownst to me, she had followed me into the forest, but my vision had been clouded with hot tears and anger, preventing me from noticing.

I simply craved an escape, a moment of respite.She approached slowly and took a seat beside me, her words suddenly breaking the silence.

"I'm sorry," she murmured. "I never intended to offend you". "I had only heard the story from my brother, unaware of the full extent of what you had endured."

She paused, her eyes revealing a deep wariness towards outsiders, especially those whose intentions remain unknown.

"Despite your dissimilarity to the foreigners we've encountered in the past, caution has become second nature to us, especially after the tragedy that befell our parents."
Curiosity piqued within me as I inquired,

"What happened?"

Makawee proceeded to recount the encounter, wherein their parents had come across a peculiar people possessing eyes resembling the sky and leaves, covered in a dense coat of hair, and with skin as pale as winter snow.

"We call them"wasicu" meaning "the people with hairy faces".

"After my parents welcomed these foreigners into our land and we both shared our ways of life, their demands grew insatiable". "They coveted our women, our jewelry, and our territory". "The escalating tensions eventually erupted into a devastating war, claiming the lives of both my parents".

"We were driven from our ancestral land, forced to seek refuge in a new territory where we could find true freedom". "The losses we endured were immense, and I am determined to prevent history from repeating itself".

"Following the tragedy, my brother and I were taken in by our grandparents". "Under the guidance of our uncle, my brother was raised to become a chief and a warrior". And life was never the same.

Presently there still remains an emptiness in both of us from the void that our parents left. Although we had our other family members and tribe, nothing can replace the love of your mother and father.

"I totally understand your hesitation and I apologize for the skepticism I initially showed". My people are currently facing similar mistreatment, the Wasicu harbor dark spirits driven by an unquenchable thirst for blood, power, and wealth".

"They stop at nothing to fulfill their desires. Although not all of them are like that". Many of them are kind and even dislike their own people's ways. "However, rest assured, I am not like the wasicu who habordark spirits( demons)."

"Where I come from, we may have a semblance of "freedom," but it's merely another form of bondage imposed upon us, by them."

Makawee nodded, acknowledging my words. "My brother spoke the truth about you." "There's something about you that I have never seen or experienced before." "Our medicine man will surely be intrigued by your presence.

"Perplexed, I inquired, "Medicine man?" Makawee explained,

"Yes, it is mandatory for you to meet our medicine man." "He is an elder who possesses the knowledge to unravel your identity and the origins from which you come." "In fact, it's imperative that we make our way to him immediately, considering the sun is beginning to set."

"My brother, his best friend, and the rest of the tribe will search for us if we don't arrive promptly." "Moreover, you still need to change into fresh attire."

Consequently, we began our return journey from the creek. A silence surrounded us, but this time it felt comforting.

Please comment and tell me how you're liking my story so far, and what I can improve on. -Thanks your Author A_M207

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